
Kicking off the Bigger, Better Bottle Bill website

We are proud to launch our new website for our campaign to build on the Bottle Bill’s enormous success and not only protect the Bottle Bill, but to update it to include beverage containers such as water bottles, juice containers, and sports drinks. As we move through the legislative session, we will be adding all the new developments here to this blog as they occur. Keep an eye out for what is happening in the State House and the ways you can get involved.

Vermont Yankee Contamination Details

On Friday Entergy executives reported that Vermont Yankee’s radioactive contamination is getting worse. A new test well is showing elevated levels of radioactive tritium and our state health department is worried that even more dangerous substances may be in the ground. This means that there is either a new radioactive leak or that the previous contamination is spreading dramatically in the ground water.

Health Care 3.0: What’s next

On Wednesday January 19th Vermont’s expert consulting team, led by Harvard economist Dr. William Hsiao, will release three design options for the future of health care in our state. On January 20th VPIRG is teaming up with Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility, Families USA and Governor Shumlin’s top health care advisor to give you the inside scoop on those plans.

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