Take Action
VPIRG is able to stand up to big-money special interests and advance groundbreaking policies because we have thousands of grassroots supporters across the state ready to take action.
Exercise your power by joining one of our priority campaigns, taking an online action, and signing up for the VPIRG Action Alert email list.
Our Priority Campaigns

Keep Vermont Cool
Winters are getting warmer and summers are getting hotter. We need to reduce the pollution causing global warming so that we can preserve all that we love about Vermont.

Protect Our Pollinators
Bees, birds, and other pollinators are dying off at an alarming rate, threatening not only biodiversity but our agricultural economy. One of the culprits is neonicotinoid pesticides.

Better Ballot Vermont
We all want our elections to work better for voters and encourage politicians to work together on solutions that better serve Vermonters. It’s time for ranked choice voting.

Make Big Oil Pay
Climate change is hitting Vermont hard, and costing us billions. Big Oil made trillions of dollars while wrecking the climate. They should pay a fair share to clean up the mess.
Online Actions
Keep Vermont Cool
Winters are getting warmer and summers are getting hotter. Climate change is impacting everything we know and love about our Green Mountain State, so we need to Keep Vermont Cool.
Bring Ranked Choice Voting to Vermont
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) makes democracy more fair and functional. This pro-voter, pro-democracy reform is a simple change that can make a world of difference. Bring RCV to Vermont federal elections today!
Make Big Oil Pay
Big Oil should reinvest some of their profits to help clean up the mess they made. This is a sensible, ambitious plan. But we know the Big Oil companies are going to fight this tooth-and-nail. If we’re going to make these companies pay for the damage they’ve caused, we need to show our elected officials this idea has massive grassroots support.
Protect Our Pollinators
We’re calling on the State of Vermont to protect birds, bees, and other pollinators, safeguard public health, and support local farmers by phasing out the use of toxic neonicotinoid (neonic) pesticides, and helping Vermont farmers transition to more sustainable pest management alternatives. Protect our Pollinators, Support our Farmers.

Sign up for VPIRG Action Alerts
The best way to stay up to date on the latest opportunities to take action to protect the public interest in Vermont is by joining the VPIRG Action Alert list.
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