Thursday evening’s webinar on Dr. Hsiao’s three proposed health care plans and the future of health care reform in Vermont went incredibly well. Thanks to everyone who made what was our first ever webinar possible, and everyone who called in to get the inside scoop on where health care reform in Vermont is headed.
Many Vermonters got a chance to be a part of the call, but we know there are many, many more people who want to know what’s in the plans, what they might mean for individual Vermonters and small businesses and what the path forward looks like. That’s why we’re making the webinar available, in full, for download.
You can download the full webinar here – just right click and hit “Save Link As” or “Save Target As”. A couple of notes: the file is in Windows Media format and is 65mb, so it may take a while to download depending on your connection speed. If you’d like to download the Power Point presentation we used during the webinar you can do that here.