On Friday Entergy executives reported that Vermont Yankee’s radioactive contamination is getting worse. A new test well is showing elevated levels of radioactive tritium and our state health department is worried that even more dangerous substances may be in the ground. This means that there is either a new radioactive leak or that the previous contamination is spreading dramatically in the ground water.
Following last years contamination, Entergy refused to inspect the other pipes that might be leaking contamination. Instead they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on misleading ads and now they are putting on the full court press at the State House. Their executives, lobbyists and corporate spokespeople have been showing up in increasing numbers.
The new contamination was reported late on Friday afternoon, minimizing the press coverage it would receive. We need your help making sure your legislators hear about the contamination and stand up to Entergy’s lobbyists.
Entergy’s plan is to get the Vermont utilities on their side by signing power deals with them. Then the really heavy lobbying will begin: to reverse last year’s vote.
We need you in the game now to make Entergy play defense.