On May 26th, Governor Shumlin signed Vermont’s landmark health care reform bill into law. Dozens of Vermonters from all corners of the state gathered on the steps of the State House to witness this historic bill signing.
With the signing of Green Mountain Care into law, Vermont has become a leader for the rest of the country to follow in ensuring all its citizens have access to affordable health care, though this is only the beginning of the battle.
Already the opposition is spreading doubt and lies about how this law will affect the average Vermonter. Over the course of the summer VPIRG will be hosting dozens of community discussions with local legislators, business leaders, and other pillars of the community to answers people’s questions and help Vermonters understand this new law. Stay tuned for when and where these community discussions will take place.
In the mean time, check out more pictures from the bill signing on VPIRG’s Facebook page.