An open letter to the VPIRG community from Clay Francis, VPIRG’s new Clean Energy Advocate. Clay will be working with Clean Energy Program Director James Moore on building weatherization, heating fuels efficiency and other clean energy campaigns:
I just started as VPIRG’s new Clean Energy Advocate in the middle of record setting heat waves, and probably the best part of my job so far has been seeing Vermonters react to the obvious effects of global warming here in our state. Vermonters don’t just want to turn on the AC, they want to do something real about the heat.
Click here if you want to find out how you can help fight global warming and cut your energy bill at the same time, in your own home.
Vermont’s climate is changing, and some reports estimate our temperatures could match those of Tennessee – my home state – by the end of the century. Tennessee’s weather is fine for Tennessee, but I like Vermont just the way it is.
I came to Vermont for my education, but I decided to stay because I fell in love with fall’s changing leaves and spring’s triumphant return after a cold winter. I don’t want to see Vermont’s weather turn into Tennessee’s, and I feel lucky to work for an organization that feels as strongly as I do about stopping the greenhouse gas production that is driving these changes in climate.
I found out the hard way last winter that home heating can be a really expensive part of a Vermont budget. It’s also the second largest source of global warming pollution in Vermont – that’s why weatherizing our homes is so important. Improving energy efficiency will reduce your monthly heating bills and take a step toward stopping global warming.
Central Vermont Community Action Council (CVCAC) shares VPIRG’s commitment to lowering energy bills by making homes more energy efficient. Their Weatherization Skillshops give Vermonters the know-how to take on some serious energy saving home improvements. CVCAC is also working with Efficiency Vermont to provide energy audits and help pay for these improvements.
We all want to do our part to stop climate change, and a great place to start is in your home. I hope you’ll take a minute to check out the Weatherization Skillshops schedule and see if one of the dates works for you.
Click here to see the schedule and learn more about lowering your monthly energy bills.
I’m looking forward to working with you this coming legislative session to pass legislation that will support local, renewable energy. This is an exciting time to be in the energy field, and I’m excited to be working to make sure Vermont continues to be a leader for the rest of country.