Fifteen towns voted on town meeting to close Vermont Yankee as scheduled. That combined with the 36 towns that voted in 2009, a total of 51 towns, have spoken — they want Vermont Yankee to close as scheduled.
The public sentiment expressed by the town meeting votes this year and last show overwhelming opposition to continued operation of Vermont Yankee after 2012 and very strong support for requiring Entergy to fully fund the cleanup and for safe, clean and renewable sources of electricity.
The resolution calls for the plant’s closure in 2012 and for Entergy– the owner of Vermont Yankee– pay for the full cost of decommissioning the plant. A vast majority of Vermonters know Entergy cannot be trusted. Vermont Yankee is coming to its end, and we will be grateful if we safely decommission it in 2012.
The 15 Towns voting yes in 2010 on resolution to close Vermont Yankee in 2012 are: Bristol, Brookfield, Cabot, Danville, Fayston, Huntington, Jamaica, Montgomery, Moretown, Peacham, Sharon, Waitsfield, Winooski, Woodstock.
Cambridge voted to pass over and Rockingham by a vote of 33-36 voted no.
A summary of town meeting votes in 2009 and 2010 is:
51 towns voted yes
3 towns voted no
4 towns passed over
3 towns split up the resolution and passed part
In case you missed it here are some articles on the votes:
WCAX – Communities hold their own Vt. Yankee votes – click here
WPTZ – More Vt. Communities Endorse Yankee Shutdown – click here
AP – In Vermont, unease over aging, leaky nuke plant – click here