Another employee at Vermont Yankee was either drinking on the job or showed up after drinking and failed a random fitness-for-duty test (this time before 10 AM.) How are we supposed to trust Vermont Yankee? The Vermont legislature will decide whether to allow Entergy (tipsy employees and all) to continue to operate Vermont Yankee nuclear plant for another 20 years. The plant is scheduled to close in 2012 when its 40 year design life expires, but Entergy wants it to run for 20 more years. VPIRGs report, Repowering Vermont, provides the analysis and the road map needed to replace Vermont Yankee with local, clean energy. The bottom line is that our energy dollars should go to local companies, not to out-of-state corporations who are willing to put Vermonters at risk to increase their profit margin. To see the incident report click here. Here are a few news articles about the incident from Burlington Free Press, Times Argus, Vermont Public Radio