Every three years the Public Service Board reviews Efficiency Vermont’s budget and decides how much they should invest, and how much they should save Vermonters, going forward. That review is underway right now, and what they decide will determine whether or not we’re leaving potential savings on the table.
Saving money and reducing pollution makes sense. The cleanest and cheapest energy is the energy you don’t use thanks to efficiency and conservation, and more and more states are waking up to that. Following our lead, Massachusetts, Connecticut and others are upping their investments in efficiency – so much so that our rank among the most efficient states has been falling in recent years.
VPIRG and CLF are supporting the highest level of investment the Board is considering. For every dollar invested under that plan Vermont would save $2.34 in reduced energy usage, pollution, greenhouse gases, and electricity and transmission costs. That kind of return on our investment seems like something we should be jumping at.
Click here to read VPIRG and CLF’s official comments to the Public Service Board.