Last year, VPIRG worked to update the state’s Net Metering program, which allows Vermonters to go renewable and offset their electric bills in return. Net metering works, which is a big part of why Vermont is
9th in the nation in installed solar per capita, and solar is easier and more affordable to install than ever before. Part of the updated law called for Vermont’s Department of Public Service to issue a report on the program to the Public Service Board. The Department’s report is out and it shows that “the aggregate net cost over 20 years to non-participating ratepayers due to net metering under the current policy framework is close to zero, and there may be a net benefit.” In other words, there are real benefits to local, distributed generation through net metering in Vermont. Over the next year, the Public Service Board will use this report to redesign the net metering program, and we’ll be working to ensure that Vermont’s solar success continues.