On Tuesday the Vermont House is set to cast their final vote on a critical renewable energy bill (H.40), which would require Vermont utilities to provide their customers with renewable power. VPIRG expects a move to cut part of the bill that would get new help to over 85,000 Vermont families and businesses to cut their fossil fuel use and energy bills by weatherizing their homes, installing cold climate heat pumps, and taking advantage of other energy upgrades through an “innovation tier”.
VPIRG is asking its supporters to call the State House at 800-322-5616 and leave a message for their representative(s) opposing efforts to weaken the RESET program.
Rep. Don Turner of Milton, House Minority Leader, has said he and his colleagues will attempt to strip that energy-saving innovation tier out of the bill. According to the Public Service Department, “If you lose [the innovation tier], you lose…$275 million in customer savings” and half the bill’s reductions in carbon pollution.
Representative Turner told VTDigger we should “slow down” and take a “time out” on new programs that help Vermonters save energy. The reality is Vermont is way behind on its state energy goals. VPIRG believes it’s time to get real about cutting our energy use, and passing H.40 with these important provisions is a step in the right direction.
Here’s how to leave a message for your representative(s) at the State House:
• Call toll-free 800-322-5616 as soon as you can. The office is open from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Ask to leave a message for your representatives.
• Provide your Name, Town, Phone Number and Representative’s name (you’ll need to know this before you call)
• Don’t know your representative’s name? Look it up here!