With release of a draft Bottle Bill report from the Agency of Natural Resources, now is the time for Vermonters to voice support for an expanded The public hearing is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12th, and they need to hear from you as they decide whether to recommend repealing, maintaining, or expanding the Bottle Bill.
Click here to join us at the public hearing tomorrow night, Tues (3/12), 5:30-7pm, Pavilion Auditorium, Montpelier. We need to pack the room to show that Vermonters want an expanded Bottle Bill!
The study ANR contracted out was conducted by a long-time consultant for the beverage industry. Even they had to admit that an expanded Bottle Bill is the right choice for the most recycling, fewest greenhouse gas emissions, and least amount of litter.
One key issue they buried in the study is that the Bottle Bill is –appropriately– paid for by beverage producers and consumers. The Agency and legislators will be getting a lot of pressure against expansion from the powerful beverage industry, so we need to let them know that the expanded Bottle Bill is the best choice for the environment, and they have the overwhelming majority of Vermonters on their side!
We hope to see you at the public hearing on the Bottle Bill tomorrow (Tuesday, March 12th from 5:30-7 pm) in Montpelier – register here to let us know you’re coming! However, if you support an expanded Bottle Bill, but can’t make the hearing, please take a moment to submit online comments to the Agency of Natural Resources.