Vermont Ballot Drop Box Lookup

Vermont Ballot Drop Box Lookup

Every active, registered voter in Vermont will be automatically mailed their ballot for the 2020 general election thanks to the efforts of VPIRG, the state legislature, and Secretary of State Jim Condos.  

Voters can return their ballot using the prepaid postage envelope included with the ballot. However, you can also drop off your ballot at your Town Clerk’s office in person up until Election Day. (If you want to drop off your ballot in person on Election Day, you must do so at your polling place).

For those wishing to drop off their ballot at the Town Clerk’s office, VPIRG has compiled a searchable database below outlining drop box availability and drop-off procedures for each town.

Search for your town using the box below and simply click on the green button next to the town to see all the details you need to know about dropping off your ballot.

TownDropbox?Dropbox LocationDropbox Additional InstructionsTown ClerkPhone NumberOffice Mailing AddressCity/Town:State:ZIP:Office Physical AddressCity/Town:State:ZIP:Office FaxClerk's Email AddressClerk's Hours
AddisonYESBlack mailbox to the right of front door of town office buildingLikely accessible 24/7Marilla Web802-759-202065 VT Route 17 W.AddisonVT0549165 VT Route 17WAddisonVT05491802-759-2233addisontown@gmavt.netM T Th 8:30-12 and 1-4:30; W F 8:30-12
AlbanyYESOn town office front doorAccessible 24/7Debra Ann Geoffroy802-755-6100P.O. Box 284AlbanyVT05820827 Main StreetAlbanyVT05820N/Aalbanytct@gmail.comT Th 9-4; W 9-7 & 9-12 The day before elections
AlburghYESSouth end of municipal buildingDonna Bohannon802-796-34681 North Main StreetAlburghVT054401 North Main StreetAlburghVT05440802-796-3939townofalburgh@fairpoint.netM-Th 9-5; F 9-12
AndoverYESMail slot in back door of town officeAccessible 24/7Jeanette Haight802-875-2765953 Weston-Andover RoadAndoverVT05143953 Weston-Andover RoadAndoverVT05143N/Aclerk@vermontel.netM-Th 8-3; F 8-12
ArlingtonYESIn vestibule of town hallAccessible 24/7Robin Wilcox802-375-2332P.O. Box 304ArlingtonVT052503828 VT Route 7AArlingtonVT05250802-375-2332Robin.Wilcox@arlingtonvermont.orgM-F 9-2
AthensNODarlene Wyman802-869-337056 Brookline RoadAthensVT0514325 Brookline RoadAthensVT05143802-869-3370townofathens@hotmail.comM 9-1
BakersfieldNOKatherine Westcom802-827-4495P.O. Box 203BakersfieldVT0544140 East Bakersfield RoadBakersfieldVT05441802-827-3106townclerk_bakersfield@comcast.netM-Th 8-12
BaltimoreYESNext to front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Deborah Bean802-263-52741902 Baltimore RoadBaltimoreVT051431902 Baltimore RoadBaltimoreVT05143802-263-5274baltimorevt@tds.netW 4-6pm; Th 9-11
BarnardNODiane Rainey802-234-9211P.O. Box 274BarnardVT05031-0274115 North RoadBarnardVT05031-0274N/Abarnardto@gmail.comM-W 8-3:30
BarnetYESMail slot to the left of front doorAccessible 24/7Benjamin Heisholt802-633-2256P.O. Box 15BarnetVT058211743 US Route 5 SouthBarnetVT05821802-633-4315townclerk@barnetvt.orgM-F 9-12 and 1-4:30
Barre CityYES (2)In front of city hall - will be installing drive-up dropbox behind buildingBoth accessible 24/7Carol Dawes802-476-0242P.O. Box 418BarreVT056416 N. Main Street, Suite 6BarreVT05641802-476-0264cdawes@barrecity.orgM-F 7:30-4:30
Barre TownYESMail slot located to the left of the front entrance of the Municipal Buildingg (149 Websterville Road, Websterville, VT  05678)Accessible 24/7Donna Kelty802-479-9391P.O. Box 124WebstervilleVT05678149 Websterville RoadWebstervilleVT05678802-479-9332dkelty@barretown.orgM-F 8-4:30
BartonYESMail slot in front of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Kristin Atwood802-525-622234 Main StreetBartonVT0582234 Main StreetBartonVT05822802-525-8856bartontown@comcast.netM-Th 7:30-4; F 7:30-12
BelvidereYESInside town office onlyAccessible during normal town office hoursCathy Mander-Adams802-644-66213996 VT RT 109BelvidereVT054423996 VT RT 109BelvidereVT05442802-644-8900belvideretownclerk@gmail.comT-Th 8:30-3:30
BenningtonYESNear the front door of the town office (205 South St)Accessible 24/7Cassandra Barbeau802 442-1043205 South StreetBenningtonVT05201205 South StreetBenningtonVT05201802 442-1068cbarbeau@benningtonvt.orgM-F 8-5 & The Day Before Any Election 8-12
BensonYESCorner of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Daphne Bartholomew802-537-26112760 Stage RoadBensonVT057312760 Stage RoadBensonVT05731802-537-2612bensonclerk@myottmail.comM T Th F 9-3, W 3-7
BerkshireYESMail slot in front of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Emily Fecteu802-933-23354454 Watertower RoadEnosburg FallsVT054504454 Watertower RoadBerkshireVT05450802-933-5913townclerk@berkshirevt.comM-Th 8-12 & 1-4
BerlinNORosemary Morse802-229-9298108 Shed RoadBerlinVT05602108 Shed RoadBerlinVT05602802-229-9530townclerk@berlinvt.orgM-Th 8:30-3:30
BethelYESSlot in town manager's doorPamela Brown802-234-9722P.O. Box 404BethelVT05032134 South Main StreetBethelVT05032802-234-6840betheltownclerk@comcast.netM Th 8-12:30 & 1-4; T W F 8-1
BloomfieldYESNext to main entrance of town clerk's officeAccessible 24/7Ray Bowen802-962-5191P.O. Box 336N StratfordNH0359027 Schoolhouse RoadBloomfieldVT05905802-962-5191townofbloomfieldvt@gmail.comT Th 9-3
BoltonYESTo the right of the Town Office door, clearly labeled "Town of Bolton Secure Drop Box"Accessible 24/7Amy Grover802-434-50753045 Theodore Roosevelt HighwayWaterburyVT056763045 Theodore Roosevelt HighwayBoltonVT05676802-434-6404clerkbolton@gmavt.netM-Th 8-4
BradfordYESInside lobby of town office - new one being installed outside town officeInside dropbox accessible 7:00 AM - 4:30 PMSonya McLam802 222-4727P.O. Box 339BradfordVT05033172 North Main StreetBradfordVT05033802 222-3520clerk@bradford-vt.usM-Th 7-3:30; F 8-12
BraintreeYESOutside town office front doorAccessible 24/7Jessica Brassard802-728-9787 X3932 VT Route 12ABraintreeVT05060932 VT Route 12ABraintreeVT05060802-728-9742braintreetownclerk@gmail.comM T W 9-4
BrandonYES (2)#1: In front of Town Office (49 Center St); #2: In front of NESHOBE School, 17 NESHOBE CircleBoth accessible 24/7Sue Gage802-247-363549 Center StreetBrandonVT0573349 Center StreetBrandonVT05733802-247-5481sgage@townofbrandon.comM-F 8-4
BrattleboroYESMunicipal center parking lot - brown box labeled "BALLOTS HERE" Accessible 24/7Hilary Francis802-251-8157230 Main Street, Suite 108BrattleboroVT05301230 Main Street, Suite 108BrattleboroVT05301802-257-2312townclerk@brattleboro.orgM-F 8:30-5
BridgewaterYESSmall mailbox outside back door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Nancy Robinson802-672-33347335 US Rte. 4BridgewaterVT050347335 US Rte. 4BridgewaterVT05034802-672-5395twnbridg@comcast.netM-Th 8-4
BridportYESSlot in front door of town officeAccessible 24/7Julie Howlet802-758-2483P.O. Box 27BridportVT0573482 Crown Point RoadBridportVT05734802-758-2483bridporttown@gmavt.netM-W 9-12 & 1-4; Th F 9-12 & The day before elections 9-12
BrightonNOTeresa DeBonville802-723-4405P.O. Box 377Island PondVT0584649 Mill Street Ext.Island PondVT05846802-723-4405brightonclerk@comcast.netM-F 8-3:30
BristolYESSlot in front door of town officeAccessible 24/7Sharon Lucia802-453-2410P.O. Box 249BristolVT054431 South StreetBristolVT05443802-453-5188clerk@bristolvt.orgM-F 8-4:30
BrookfieldNOTeresa Godfrey802-276-3352P.O. Box 463BrookfieldVT0503640 Ralph RoadBrookfieldVT05036802-276-3926townclerk@brookfieldvt.orgT-Th 8:30-4:30
BrooklineYESMail slot in back door of town officeADA Accessilbe 24/7Gaetano (Guy) Tanza802-365-4648P.O. Box 403BrooklineVT05345734 Grassy Brook RoadBrooklineVT05345802-365-4092brook763@comcast.netT Th 9-2
BrowningtonYESSlot in front of town officeAccessible 24/7Valerie Faust802-754-8401622 Schoolhouse RoadBrowningtonVT05860622 Schoolhouse RoadBrowningtonVT05860802-754-8401browningtontc@comcast.netM-Th 8-3:30
BrunswickNOSharon Graham802-962-5514994 VT Route 102BrunswickVT05905994 VT Route 102BrunswickVT05905802-962-5522townofbrunswick@gmail.comTh 4-6 and by appt.
BurkeYESTo the left of town office front doorLinda Hackett-Corey802-467-3717212 School StWest Burke05871212 School StWest Burke05871802-367-8623burke@burkevermont.orgM-F 8-4
BurlingtonYES (3)(1): Sidewalk outside city hall on Main St side; (2): South End: DPW - 645 Pine St; (3): North End: Firestation #2 - 132 North AveAccessible 24/7Katherine Schad802-865-7000149 Church StreetBurlingtonVT05401149 Church StreetBurlingtonVT05401802-865-7014burlingtontownclerk@burlingtonvt.govM-F 8-4:30; The Day Before Any Election 8-1
CabotYESNext to front entrance of town oficeAccessible 24/7Betty Ritter802-563-2279P.O. Box 36CabotVT056473084 Main StreetCabotVT05647802-563-2423tcocabot@fairpoint.netM-Th 9-5
CalaisYESIn entranceway of the town office building (3120 Pekin Brook Rd)Accessible 24/7Judith Robert456-87203120 Pekin Brook RoadEast CalaisVT056503120 Pekin Brook RoadE. CalaisVT05650N/Acalais.townclerk@gmail.comM-Th 8-4
CambridgeYESInside town office onlyAccessible during normal town office hoursMark Schilling802-644-2251P.O. Box 127JeffersonvilleVT0546485 Church StreetJeffersonvilleVT05464802-644-8348mark@cambridgevt.orgM W Th 8-4:30; T 8-6; F 8-1 & Closed the day before elections
CanaanYESOutside doors of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Noreen Labrecque802-266-3370P.O. Box 159CanaanVT05903318 Christian HillCanaanVT05903802-266-8253nlabrecque@canaanschools.orgM-Th 8-4; F 8-3
CastletonYESIn front of town officeAccessible 24/7Nedra Boutwell802-468-5319 x201P.O. Box 727CastletonVT05735263 Route. 30 NorthCastletonVT05735802-468-5482casclerk@shoreham.netM-W 8-12:30 & 1-4:30; Th 10-12:30 & 1-5:30; F 8-12
CavendishNODiane McNamara802-226-7291 or 802-226-7292P.O. Box 126CavendishVT0514237 High StCavendishVT05142802-226-7290d.mcnamara@comcast.netM-F 9-4:30
CharlestonYESOutside town office front doorBallot mailing envelopes are too large for this drop box - only use signed certificate envelopeTeri Gray802-895-28145063 VT Route 105W CharlestonVT058725063 VT Route 105W CharlestonVT05872802-895-2714townofcharlestonvt@comcast.netM T Th 8-3
CharlotteYESSlot in town hall front doorAccessible 24/7Mary Mead802-425-3071P.O. Box 119CharlotteVT05445159 Ferry RoadCharlotteVT05445802-425-4713mary@townofcharlotte.comM-F 8-4
ChelseaYESAttached to town office building, under portico at entranceAccessible 24/7Karen Lathrop802-685-4460P.O. Box 266ChelseaVT05038296 VT Route 110ChelseaVT05038802-625-2002town.clerk@chelseavt.usM T Th 8-12 & 1-4; F 8-12 & The day before elections 8-12
ChesterYESIn the door on the right hand side of town hall front porchAccessible 24/7Deborah Aldrich802-875-2173P.O. Box 370ChesterVT05143556 Elm StreetChesterVT05143802-875-2237deborah.aldrich@chestervt.govM-F 8-4
ChittendenYESTo the right of town office front doorLikely accessible 24/7Roberta Janoski802-483-6647P.O. Box 89ChittendenVT05737260 Chittenden RoadChittendenVT05737802-483-2504chittendenvt@comcast.netM-Th 9-4
ClarendonNOGloria Menard802-775-4274P.O. Box 30ClarendonVT05759279 Middle RoadClarendonVT05759802-775-4274clarendonclerk@comcast.netM-Th 10-4
ColchesterYESExterior drive up dropbox at town hall (781 Blakely Rd)Accessible 24/7Julie Graeter802 264-5520781 Blakely RoadColchesterVT05446781 Blakely RoadColchesterVT05446802 264-5503jgraeter@colchestervt.govM-F 7:30-12
ConcordYESRed box outside town office front doorAccessible 24/7Cynthia Gaboriault802-695-2220P.O. Box 317ConcordVT05824374 Main StreetConcordVT05824802-695-2552townclerk@conclerk.comM T Th F 8-4
CorinthYESOn the wall to the left of town office front doorNancy Ertle802-439-5850P.O. Box 461CorinthVT050391387 Cookeville RoadCorinthVT05039802-439-9104townclerk@corinthvt.orgM 8-4; T 8-6, Th 9-3
CornwallYESFront porch of town hallAccessible 24/7Susan Johnson802-462-27752629 Route 30CornwallVT057532629 Route 30CornwallVT05753802-462-2606cornwallvt@shoreham.netT-F 9-5
CoventryYESMounted on wall next to town office front doorAccessible 24/7Deb Tanguay802-754-2288P.O. Box 8CoventryVT05825168 Main StreetCoventryVT05825802-754-6274clerk@coventryvt.orgM W F 8-1 & Closed the day before elections
CraftsburyNOYvette Brown802-586-2823P.O. Box 55CraftsburyVT0582685 South Craftsbury RoadCraftsburyVT05826802-586-2323craftsbury@gmail.comT-F 8:30-4; M and Sat by appt.
DanbyYESBy town office front doorAccessible 24/7Janice Arnold802-293-5136130 Brook RoadDanbyVT05739130 Brook RoadDanbyVT05739802-293-5311danbytownclerk@vermontel.netM-Th 9-12 and 1-3
DanvilleYESFront porch of town office buildingADA accessible 24/7Wendy Somers802-684-3352P.O. Box 183DanvilleVT0582836 Route 2 WDanvilleVT05828802-684-9606wsomers@danvillevermont.orgM-F 8-4
DerbyYES (2)#1 In yard of town office building; #2 In town office building hallwayYard dropbox accessible 24/7Faye Morin802-766-4906124 Main StreetDerbyVT05829124 Main StDerbyVT05829802-766-2027derbytownclerk@derbyvt.orgM-Th 7-5
DorsetYESAt both entrances to town office buildingWill be putting large dropbox at front entrance soonSandra Pinsonault802-362-1178 x 2P.O. Box 24East DorsetVT05253112 Mad Tom RoadEast DorsetVT05253802-362-5156dorsetclerk@gmail.comM-F 8-4 & The day before elections 8-12
DoverYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Andy McLean802-464-5100 x 2P.O. Box 527West DoverVT05356102 Route 100West DoverVT05356802 464 8721townclerk@doververmont.comM-F 9-5
DummerstonYESMail slot next to front door of town office buildingLikely accessible 24/7Laurie Frechette802-257-14961523 Middle RoadE. DummerstonVT053461523 Middle RoadDummerstonVT05346802-2574671townclerk@dummerston.orgM T Th F 9-3; W 11-5
DuxburyYESOutside town office doorMaureen Harvey802-244-66605421 VT Route 100DuxburyVT056765421 VT Route 100DuxburyVT05676802-244-5442duxtc@myfairpoint.netT-F 7:30-3:30
East HavenNOKerri Fillion802-467-3772P.O. Box 10East HavenVT0583764 Community Building RoadEast HavenVT05837N/Atclerk1790@gmail.comT 1-6; Th 8-1
East MontpelierYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Rosie Laquerre802-223-3313 x201P.O. Box 157E MontpelierVT0565140 Kelton RoadEast MontpelierVT05651802-223-4467clerk@eastmontpeliervt.orgM-Th 9-5; F 9-12
EdenYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Candace Vear802-635-252871 Old Schoolhouse RoadEden MillsVT0565371 Old Schoolhouse RoadEden MillsVT05653802-635-1724cveareden@myfairpoint.netM-Th 8-4
ElmoreYESSlot in town office front doorAccessible 24/7Sharon Draper802-888-2637P.O. BOX 123Lake ElmoreVT056571175 VT Route 12ElmoreVT05657N/Asdraper@elmorevt.orgT-Th 9-3
EnosburghYESNot specifically for ballots, but can be used. On town office porch hooked to postAccessible 24/7Billie Jo Draper802-933-4421P.O. BOX 465Enosburg FallsVT05450239 Main StreetEnosburg FallsVT05450802-933-4832townclerk@enosburghvt.orgM-F 8-3:30
EssexYESOutside doors of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Susan McNamara-Hill802-879-041381 Main StreetEssex JunctionVT0545281 Main StreetEssex JunctionVT05452802-878-1353smcnamarahill@essex.orgM-F 7:30-4:30 & Closed the day before elections
Fair HavenYESCurrently too small to hold more than 10 ballots, will be installing larger one located at beginning of walkway to building Larger one will be accessible 24/7Suzanne Dechame802 -265-3610 x.43 North Park PlaceFair HavenVT057433 North Park PlaceFair HavenVT05743802 -265-3176sdclerk@comcast.netM W Th 7:30-4:30; T 7:30-7
FairfaxYESMailbox outside town office front doorLikely accessible 24/7Deborah Woodward802-849-611112 Buck Hollow Road.FairfaxVT0545412 Buck Hollow Road.FairfaxVT05454802-849-6276clerk@fairfax-vt.govM-F 9-4 & Closed the day before elections
FairfieldNOLinda Hodet802-827-3261P.O. Box 5FairfieldVT0545525 North RoadFairfieldVT05455802-827-3653linda@fairfieldvermont.usM T Th F 8-3; W 10:30-5:30
FairleeYESTo the right of town office door - another one will be installed to the left of town office front doorAccessible 24/7Georgette Wolf-Ludwig802-333-4363 x1P.O. Box 95FairleeVT0504575 Town Common RoadFairleeVT05045802-333-9214townclerk@fairleevt.orgM-Th 8:30-3:30; F 9-12
FaystonNOLooking to install one outside town office front doorPatti Lewis802-496-2454866 N Fayston RoadFaystonVT05660866 N Fayston RoadFaystonVT05660N/Afaystontc@madriver.comM-Th 9-3:30; F 9-3 & Closed the day before elections
FerrisburghYESTo the right of town office doorAccessible 24/7Pam Cousino802-877-34293279 Route 7FerrisburghVT054563279 Route 7FerrisburghVT05456802-877-6757townclerk@ferrisburghvt.orgM-F 8-12 & 1-4
FletcherYESSlot in front door of town officeAccessible 24/7Karrie Sweet802-849-661633 Shaw Road.CambridgeVT0544433 Shaw RoadFletcherVT05444802-849-2500town@fletchervt.netM-Th 8-3:30; M 6-8pm
FranklinYESUse the library book drop box, just outside town clerk's office doorLisa Larivee802-285-2101P.O. Box 82FranklinVT054575167 Main StFranklinVT05457802-285-2181townoff@franklinvt.netM T F 8-4; Th 8-6
GeorgiaYESSlot in front door of town officeAccessible 24/7Cheryl Letourneau802-524-352447 Town Common Road NorthSt. AlbansVT0547847 Town Common Road NorthGeorgia CenterVT05478802-524-3543townclerk@townofgeorgia.comM-F 8-4
GloverYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Jessica Sweeney802-525-622751 Bean HillGloverVT0583951 Bean HillGloverVT05839802-525-4115glovertc@comcast.netM-Th 7-5
GoshenYESIn front of town office (50 Carlisle Hill Rd., Goshen, VT 05733)Rosemary McKinnon802-247-645550 Carlisle Hill RoadGoshenVT0573350 Carlisle Hill RoadGoshenVT05733802-247-6740townclerk@goshenvt.orgT 9-1
GraftonYESMail slot in town office doorKimberly Record802-843-2419P.O. Box 180GraftonVT05146117 Main StreetGraftonVT05146802-843-6100krecord@graftonvt.orgM T Th F 9-12 and 1-4
GranbyYESAt town hallAccessible 24/7Terri Williams802-328-3611P.O Box 56GranbyVT058409005 Granby RoadGranbyVT05840802-328-2200townofgranby@myfairpoint.netBy Appt.
Grand IsleYESSlot in front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7 - video surveillance securityMelissa Boutin802-372-8830P.O. Box 49Grand IsleVT054589 Hyde RoadGrand IsleVT05458802-372-8815grandislevtclerk@gmail.comM-F 8:30-3:30; T 5-7; Sat 10-12
GranvilleNOWorking on figuring out how to get oneKathy Werner802-767-4403P.O.Box 88GranvilleVT057474157 VT Route 100GranvilleVT05747N/Agranvilletown@gmavt.netM-Th 9-4
GreensboroYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Kim Greaves802-533-2911P.O. Box 119GreensboroVT0584182 Craftsbury RoadGreensboroVT05841802-533-2911townclerk@greensborovt.orgM T Th 9-4; W 9-6; F 9-12
GrotonYESIn entryway of town officeAccessible 24/7Carrie Peters802-584-32761476 Scott HwyGrotonVT050461476 Scott HwyGrotonVT05046802-584-3792townclerk@grotonvt.comM-Th 8:30-3 & by appt.
GuildhallYESMail slot in town office doorNot ADA accessible, can be used 24/7George Blakeslee802-676-3797P.O. Box 10GuildhallVT0590513 Courthouse T 9-3; Th 12-6
GuilfordNOPenny Marine802-254-6857 x 101236 School RoadGuilfordVT05301236 School RoadGuilfordVT05301802-257-5764pennymarine@guilfordvt.netM 7am-6, T-Th 7-5
HalifaxNOPatricia Dow802-368-7390P.O. Box 127W. HalifaxVT05358246 Branch RoadW. HalifaxVT05358802-368-7390halifax@myfairpoint.netM T F 8-3; S 9-12
HancockYESExterior wall of town clerk's office (1027 VT Route 100)Jody Troumbley802-767-3660P.O. Box 100HancockVT057481027 VT Route 100HancockVT05748N/Atownclerk@hancockvt.orgM 2-5; T 9-2; Th 9-12
HardwickYESBox to the right of the front doors of the Memorial Building (20 Church Street, Hardwick, VT)Accessible 24/7Alberta Miller802-472-5971P.O. Box 523HardwickVT0584320 Church StreetHardwickVT05843802-472-3108alberta.miller@hardwickvt.orgM-F 8-4
HartfordYESOutside town office buildingAccessible from 8AM-5PMLisa O'Neil802-295-2785171 Bridge StreetWhite River Jct.VT05001171 Bridge StreetWhite River JctVT05001802-295-6382loneil@hartford-vt.orgM-F 8-5 & The Day Before Any Election 8-12
HartlandNOClyde Jenne802-436-2444P.O. Box 349HartlandVT050481 Quechee RoadHartlandVT05048802-436-2464cjenne@hartlandvt.orgM-F 8-4 & Closed the day before elections
HighgateNOWendi Dusablon802-868-5002P.O. Box 189HighgateVT054592996 VT Route 78HighgateVT05459802-868-3064wdusablon@highgatevt.orgM-F 8:30-12 and 1:00-4:30 & Closed the day before elections
HinesburgYESSlot on back porch of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Melissa Ross802-482-2281 x. 22310632 Route. 116HinesburgVT0546110632 Route. 116HinesburgVT05461802-482-5404mross@hinesburg.orgM-F 8-4 & Closed the day before elections
HollandYESSlot in door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Diane Judd802-895-4440120 School RoadDerby LineVT05830120 School RoadHollandVT05830802-895-4440holland1805@hotmail.comM T Th 8-4:30
HubbardtonYESOutside doors of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Dawn Custer802-273-29511831 Monument Hill Road.CastletonVT057351831 Monument Hill Road.HubbardtonVT05735802-273-3729clrkhubb@shoreham.netM W Th F 9-2
HuntingtonYESSlot to the left of town office front doorAccessible 24/7Heidi Racht802-434-20324930 Main RoadHuntingtonVT054624930 Main RoadHuntingtonVT05462N/Ahuntingtonclerk@gmavt.netM 8-7; T-Th 8-3 & The day before elections 8-12
Hyde ParkYESTown office vestibule; Will have stand-alone dropbox in front of office entryway by mid-SeptembreAccessible 24/7Kimberly Moulton802-888-2300P.O. Box 98Hyde ParkVT05655-0098344 VT Route 15 WHyde ParkVT05655802-888-6878kim@hydeparkvt.comM-F 8-4; Closed the Monday before any election
IraYESSlot to the left of town office front doorKaren Davis802-235-274553 West RoadIraVT0577753 West RoadIraVT05777802-235-1045iraclerk@vermontel.comT 2-6; T 8:30-2:30
IrasburgYESMail slot in town office front doorAccessible 24/7Danielle Ingalls802-754-2242P.O. Box 51IrasburgVT05845161 RT 58 EastIrasburgVT05845802-754-2242irasburgtc@comcast.netM-W 9-3; Th 9-6
Isle La MotteYESMail slot in town office front doorLikely accessible 24/7Sarah Noble802-928-3434P.O. Box 250Isle La MotteVT054632272 Main StreetIsle La MotteVT05463802-928-3002islemott@fairpoint.netT Th 8:30-3:30; W F 1-5
JamaicaNOSara Wiswall802-874-4681P.O. Box 173JamaicaVT0534328 Town Office RoadJamaicaVT05343802-874-4558jamaicatownclerk@svcable.netM-Th 8:30-4
JayYESLocked mail dropbox attached to front of town municipal buildingLikely accessible 24/7Lynnette Deaette802-988-29961036 VT Route 242JayVT058591036 VT Route 242JayVT05859802-988-2995townofjay@comcast.netM T Th 7-4; W 7-12
JerichoYESAt the Town Hall (67 Vermont Route 15)Accessible 24/7Jessica Alexander802-899-4936 x1P.O. Box 67JerichoVT0546567 Vermont Route 15JerichoVT05465802-899-5549jerichovermont@yahoo.comM-Th 8-4; F 8-12
JohnsonYESOutside town officeLikely accessible 24/7Rosemary Audibert802-635-2611P.O. Box 383JohnsonVT05656293 Lower Main WestJohnsonVT05656802-635-2393raudibert@townofjohnson.comM-F 7:30-4
KillingtonYESSlot to the right of town office front doorLikely accessible 24/7Lucrecia Wonsor802-422-3243P.O. Box 429KillingtonVT057512706 River RoadKillingtonVT05751802-422-3030lucrecia@killingtontown.comM-F 9-3; Monday Before Any Election 9-12
KirbyYESMail slot outside town officeAccessible 24/7Wanda Grant802-626-9386346 Town Hall RoadLyndonvilleVT05851346 Town Hall RoadKirbyVT05851802-626-9386townclerk.kirbyvermont@gmail.comT Th 8-3
LandgroveYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Chrystal Cleary802-824-371688 Landgrove RoadLandgroveVT0514888 Landgrove RoadLandgroveVT05148802-828-3716clerk@landgrove.vermont.govTh 9-1
LeicesterYESTown office building under bulletin boardJulie Delphia802-247-5961 x 344 Schoolhouse RoadLeicesterVT0573344 Schoolhouse RoadLeicesterVT05733802-247-6501leicestervt@comcast.netM T Th 9-2
LemingtonNOBeth Ellingwood802-277-48142549 River Road, VT 102LemingtonVT059032549 River Road, Vt 102LemingtonVT05903802-277-4091lemitown@myfairpoint.netT 1:30-5:30
LincolnYESOutside main entrance to town office buildingAccessible 24/7Sally Ober802-453-298062 Quaker StreetLincolnVT0544362 Quaker StreetLincolnVT05443802-453-2975clerk@lincolnvermont.orgM T W Th 8-2; W 4-7 p.m.
LondonderryYESSlot in back door of town clerk's officeAccessible 24/7Kelly Pajala802-824-3356100 Old School StreetS. LondonderryVT05155100 Old School StreetS. LondonderryVT05155N/Atownclerk@londonderryvt.orgM T Th F 8:30-4; W 10-5
LowellYESOutside main entrance to town office buildingAccessible 24/7Christy Pion802-744-65592170 VT Route. 100LowellVT058472170 VT. Route. 100LowellVT05847802-744-2357cpion@lowelltown.orgM-Th 9-2:30
LudlowYESSlot to the right of town office building front doorLikely accessible 24/7Ulla Cook802-228-3232P.O. Box 307LudlowVT0514937 Depot StreetLudlowVT05149802-228-8399treasure@ludlow.vt.usM-F 8:30-4:30
LunenburgYESOutside front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Patricia Scott802 892 5959P.O. Box 53LunenburgVT059069 West Main StreetLunenburgVT05906802 892 5100lunenburg01@live.comM-F 8:30-12 & 1:30-3
LyndonYESOn south side of the Municipal Office Building (119 Park Ave)Accessible 24/7Dawn Dwyer802-626-5785P.O Box 167LyndonvilleVT05851119 Park AvenueLyndonvilleVT05851802-626-1265dawn@lyndonvt.orgM-F 7:30-4:30
MaidstoneYES (2)Mailbox outside town hall, installing bigger dropbox October 5Accessible 24/7Amy Pear802 676-3210P.O. Box 118GuildhallVT05905508 Vermont Route 102MaidstoneVT05905802 676-3607maidstonetownclerk@gmail.comM Th 9-3
ManchesterYESAt main entrance to Town HallAccessible 24/7 - video surveillance securityAnita Sheldon802-362-1313 x1P.O. Box 830Manchester CenterVT0525540 Jeff Williams WayManchester CenterVT05255802-362-1314 ATTN: Town Clerka.sheldon@manchester-vt.govM-F 8-4:30 & The day before elections 8-2
MarlboroYESOutside town office (voters can also use USPS mail slot in the same building)Accessible 24/7Forrest Holzapfel802 254-2181P.O. Box EMarlboroVT05344510 South RoadMarlboroVT05344802 257-2447marlborotownclerk@gmail.comM W Th 9-4
MarshfieldYESMail slot to the left of town office front doorAccessible 24/7Bobbi Brimblecombe802-426-3305122 School Street, Room 1MarshfieldVT05658122 School Street, Room 1MarshfieldVT05658802-426-3045clerk@town.marshfield.vt.usT-F 8-12 & 12:30-4 & The day before elections 8-12
MendonYESMailbox on town office buildingAccessible 24/7Nancy Gondella802-775-16622282 US Route 4MendonVT0570134 US Route 4MendonVT05701N/Amendonclerk@comcast.netM-Th 8-5
MiddleburyYESOutside town officeAccessible 24/7 - video surveillance securityAnn Webster802-388-8100 x211, x212, x21377 Main StreetMiddleburyVT0575377 Main StreetMiddleburyVT05753802-388-4261awebster@townofmiddlebury.orgM-Th 7:30-5:30 & Closed the Monday before elections
MiddlesexYESMail slot of town clerk's door (5 Church St)Accessible during non-office hoursSarah Merriman802-223-59155 Church StreetMiddlesexVT056025 Church StreetMiddlesexVT05602802-223-1298mdxclerk@comcast.netM-Th 8:30-4:30
Middletown SpringsNOLaura Castle802-235-2220P.O. Box 1232Middletown SpringsVT0575710 Park AvenueMiddletown SpringsVT05757802-235-2066middletown@vermontel.netM T Th F 8-1; T Th 4-7pm
MiltonYESTo the left of main entrance of municipal buildingAccessible 24/7Sheryl Prince802-893-4111P.O. Box 18MiltonVT0546843 Bombardier RoadMiltonVT05468802-893-1005sprince@miltonvt.govM-F 8-5
MonktonYESTo the right of town office front doorLikely accessible 24/7Sharon Gomez802-453 3800P.O. Box 12MonktonVT05469280 Monkton RidgeN. FerrisburghVT05473802-453-5612townclerk@monktonvt.comM F 8-1; T Th 8-1 & 4-7
MontgomeryYES86 Mountain Rd, Montgomery Center, VT 05471 mounted to the buildingAccessible 24/7Elizabeth Reighley802-326-4719P.O. Box 356Montgomery CenterVT0547186 Mountain RoadMontgomery CenterVT05471802-326-5053municipalclerkmontgomery@gmail.comM 9-12 & 1-6; T-Th 9-3; F 9-1
MontpelierYESRear entrance of city hallAccessible 24/7John Odum802-223-950039 Main Street - City HallMontpelierVT0560239 Main StreetMontpelierVT05602802-223-9523jodum@montpelier-vt.orgM-F 8-4:30 & Saturdays before elections 10-2
MoretownYESOn the front porch of town office buildingADA acessible - open by appointment onlyCherilyn Brown802-882-821879 School StreetMoretownVT0566079 School StreetMoretownVT05660802-329-2221townclerk@moretownvt.netM-F 7-2:45
MorganYESMail slot in front of town office buildingLikely accessible 24/7TammyLee Morin802-895-2927P.O. Box 45MorganVT0585341 Meade Hill RoadMorganVT05853802-895-4204tmorganvt@comcast.netM 7:30-3:30; T W 7:30-3; Th 7:30-2:30
MorristownYESOutside municipal building (43 Portland street)Accessible 24/7Sara Haskins802-888-6370P. O. Box 748MorrisvilleVT0566143 Portland StMorrisvilleVT05661802-888-6375shaskins@morristownvt.orgM-Th 8-4; F 8-1
Mount HollyYESRight outside front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Susan Covalla802-259-2391P.O. Box 248Mount HollyVT0575850 School StMount HollyVT05758802-259-2635mthollytc@yahoo.comM-Th 8:30-4
Mount TaborNOWilliam Basso802-293-5282P.O. Box 245Mount TaborVT05739522 Brooklyn RoadMount TaborVT05739802-293-5287mttabor@vermontel.netT W 9-12
New HavenYESNear front entrance of town office buildingAccessible during normal town office hours by appointment onlyPam Kingman802-453-351678 North StreetNew HavenVT0547278 North StreetNew HavenVT05472802-453-7552newhavenclerk@gmavt.netM-Th 8:30-4
NewarkNOAmber Holden802-467-33361336 Newark StreetNewarkVT058711336 Newark StreetNewarkVT05871802-467-3336newarktownclerk@gmail.comT-Th 8-3
NewburyYESSlot in front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Nikki Tomlison802-866-5521P.O. Box 126NewburyVT050514982 Main St SNewburyVT05051802-866-5301clerk@newburyvt.orgM W Th F 8:30-2:30; T 8:30-6 & Closed the Monday before elections
NewfaneYESMail slot next to front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Carol Hesselbach802-365-7772P.O. Box 36NewfaneVT05345555 VT Route 30NewfaneVT05345802-365-7692tclerknewfane@svcable.netM-Th 8-6 & The day before elections 8-12
Newport CityNOJames Johnson802-334-2112222 Main StNewportVT05855222 Main StNewportVT05855802-334-5632james.johnson.clerk@newportvermont.orgM-F 8-4:30
Newport TownYESMail slot to the left of town office doorAccessible 24/7Denise Daigle802-334-6442P.O. Box 85Newport CenterVT05857102 Vance Hill RoadNewport CenterVT05857802-334-6442nctownclerk@comcast.netM-Th 7-4:30
North HeroYESIn alcove outside town office front doorCorrin Julow802-372-6926P.O. Box 38North HeroVT054746441 US RT 2North HeroVT05474802-372-3806townclerk@northherovt.comM T Th 8-4:30, W F S 8-12
NorthfieldYESNear front entrance of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Kim Pedley802-485-542151 S Main StreetNorthfieldVT0566351 S Main StreetNorthfieldVT05663802-485-8426kpedley@northfield.vt.usM-F 8-4:30
NortonYESMail slot in town office front doorAccessible 24/7Gina Vigneault802-822-9935P.O. Box 33NortonVT0590712 VT Route 114ENortonVT05907802-822-9965townofnorton@gmail.comT 10-4; Th 10-12; F 1-5
NorwichYESAt the front door of town office buildingLikely accessible 24/7Bonnie J Munday802-649-1419 ext. 103P.O. Box 376NorwichVT05055300 Main StreetNorwichVT05055802-649-0123clerk@norwich.vt.usHRS: M - F 8:30-4:30 & The day before elections 8:30-12
OrangeYESBy entrance to town clerk's officeAngela Eastman802-479-2673392 US RT 302OrangeVT05649392 US RT 302OrangeVT05649802-479-2673aeastman@orangevt.orgM T W F 8-12 & 1-4; Th 8-12 &1-6
OrwellYESMail slot in front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Elizabeth "Betty" Walker802-948-2032P.O. Box 32OrwellVT05760436 Main StreetOrwellVT05760N/Atckorwel@sover.netM T Th 9:30-12 and 1-3:30; F 9:30-12 and 1-6
PantonYESOutside doors of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Pam Correia802-475-23333176 Jersey StreetPantonVT054913176 Jersey StreetPantonVT05491802-475-2785clerk-treasurer@pantonvt.usM-Th 8-5; F by appt.
PawletYESIn front of town hallAccessible 24/7Debra Hawkins802-325-3309P.O. Box 128PawletVT05761122 School StreetPawletVT05761802-325-6109pawletclerk@vermontel.netM-W 9-4; Th 9-12
PeachamYESIn lobby of 79 Church StAccessible Monday-Friday 7:30am-5pm, Saturday 9am-12pmThomas Galinat802-592-3218P.O. Box 244PeachamVT0586279 Church StreetPeachamVT05862802-592-3218townclerk@peacham.orgM 8:15-5: T-Th 8:15-12
PeruYESTo the right of town clerk office entranceAccessible 24/7Jennie Freeman802-824-3065P.O. Box 127PeruVT05152402 Main StPeruVT05152N/Aperuclerk@gmail.comT Th 8:30-4
PittsfieldYESOutside main entrance of town hallAccessible 24/7Ticia Fyer802-746-8170P.O. Box 556PittsfieldVT05762-055640 Village GreenPittsfieldVT05762-0556802-746-8170townofpittsfieldvt@gmail.comT-Th 9-5
PittsfordYESLeft side of front parking lot exit of town officeAccessible 24/7Helen McKinlay802-483-6500 Ext. 13P.O. Box 10PittsfordVT05763426 Plains RoadPittsfordVT05763802-483-6612clerktreasurer@pittsfordvermont.comM-W 8-4:30; Th 8-6; F 8-3
PlainfieldYESSlot to the right of town office front doorAccessible 24/7Linda Wells802-454-8461P.O. Box 217PlainfieldVT05667149 Main StreetPlainfieldVT05667802-454-8467plainfieldtc@gmail.comM W F 7:30-12 and 12:30-4 & The day before elections 7:30-12
PlymouthNOSandy Small802-672-365568 Town Office RoadPlymouthVT0505668 Town Office RoadPlymouthVT05056802-672-5466clerk@plymouthvt.orgM-Th 8-4
PomfretYESMail slot on town office doorAccessible 24/7Rebecca Fielder802-457-38615218 Pomfret RoadNorth PomfretVT050535218 Pomfret RoadNorth PomfretVT05053802-457-8180clerk@pomfretvt.usM W F 8:30-2:30
PoultneyNOBetsy Wescott802-287-57619 Main Street, Suite 2PoultneyVT057649 Main Street, Suite 2PoultneyVT05764802-287-5110poultneytownclerk@comcast.netM-F 8:30-12:30 & 1:30-4
PownalNOJulie Weber802-823-7757P.O. Box 411PownalVT05261467 Center StreetPownalVT05261802-823-0116town.clerk@townofpownal.orgM 10-2; T 10-4; W 9-5 TH F 9-2
ProctorYESOutside town officeCelia Lisananti802-459-333352 Main StreetProctorVT0576552 Main StreetProctorVT05765802-459-2356proctor_tc@comcast.netM-F 8-4
PutneyYESOutside town hallADA Accessible 24/7Jonathan Johnson802-387-5862x13P.O. Box 233PutneyVT05346127 Main StreetPutneyVT05346802-387-4708clerk@putneyvt.orgM T Th F 9-4; W 9-7
RandolphYESPayment box can be used for ballots - outside town office building, near the VT flag (parking lot side)Accessible 24/7 - video surveillance securityJoyce Mazzucco802-728-5433, ext. 11Drawer BRandolphVT050607 Summer StreetRandolphVT05060802-728-5818joyce@randolphvt.orgM-F 8-4:30
ReadingYESInside town officeOnly accessible during office hoursCalista Brennan802-484-7250P.O. Box 72ReadingVT05062799 VT Route 106ReadingVT05062802-484-0015readingvermont@comcast.netM-W 8-4; Th 7:30-3
ReadsboroYESAt town officeAmber Holland802-423-5405P.O. Box 187ReadsboroVT05350301 Phelps LaneReadsboroVT05350802-423-5423clerk@readsborovt.orgM T Th F 8-3
RichfordYESOutside town hallAccessible 24/7Kiley Deuso802-848-775194 Main StreetRichfordVT0547694 Main StreetRichfordVT05476802-848-7752townclerk@richfordvt.orgM-Th 8-4:30; F 8-12
RichmondYESOn the outside wall of town office building, near the entrance, located under the glass bulletin boardAccessible 24/7Linda Parent802-434-2221P.O. Box 285RichmondVT05477-0285203 Bridge Street, 2nd FloorRichmondVT05477802-329-2011lparent@richmondvt.govM 8-5; T-Th 8-4; F 8-12 & The day before elections 8-12
RiptonYESOutside town office buildingLikely accessible 24/7Alison Dickinson802-388-2266P.O. Box 10RiptonVT057661311 Route or ajdickson@riptonvt.orgM 2-6; T Th 9-1 & The day before elections 2-4
RochesterYESBottom of door to town office on the right hand sideAccessible 24/7Julie Smith802-767-363167 School StRochesterVT0576767 School StRochesterVT05767802-767-6028rochestertown@comcast.netT-F 8-4
RockinghamYESIn lobby of Town HallAccessible during normal office hours (7:00am-4:30pm Monday –Thursday)Kathlean Neathawk802-463-4336 x1102P.O. Box 339Bellows FallsVT051017 Village SquareBellows FallsVT05101802-463-1228clerk@rockbf.orgM 7:30-6:30; T Th 7:30-4:30; W 7:30-5; F 7:30-11 & The day before elections 7:30-12
RoxburyYESAttached to wall outside front door of town office building (looking to install larger one to place near front door)Accessible 24/7Tammy Legacy802-485-7840P.O. Box 53RoxburyVT056691664 Roxbury RoadRoxburyVT05669802-485-9160townrox@tds.netT-F 9-12 & 1-4 & May-Sept. F hours are 9-12 & The day before elections 9-12 & 1-5
RoyaltonYESSlot to the left of town office front doorAccessible 247Karmen Bascom802-763-7207P.O. Box 680S RoyaltonVT050682460 VT. Route 14S RoyaltonVT05068802-763-8064royalclerk@bluemoo.netM-Th 8-12:00 and 12:30-3p.m.
RupertYESInside town office building onlyAccessible during normal office hoursAndrea Lenhardt802-394-7728P.O. Box 140West RupertVT05776187 East StreetWest RupertVT05776802-394-2524rupert187@myfairpoint.netM 11-7; T W 12-5; Th 8:30-3:30
Rutland CityYES (2)#1 Strongs Ave town office building entrace, #2 Washington St rear entranceAccessible 24/7Henry Heck802-774-7827P.O. Box 969RutlandVT057011 Strongs AvenueRutlandVT05701802-773-1846henryh@rutlandcity.orgM-F 8:30-5
Rutland TownYESOutisde town office buildingAccessible 24/7Kari Clark802-773-2528 ext.3201181 Business Route 4Center RutlandVT05736181 Business Route 4Center RutlandVT05736802-773-7295kclark@rutlandtown.comM W Th 8-4:30; T 8-6; F 8-2
RyegateNOElizabeth Page802-584-3880P.O. Box 332RyegateVT0504218 S. Bayley-Hazen RoadRyegateVT05042802-584-3880ryegateclerk@yahoo.comM-W 1-5; F 9-1
Saint Albans CityYESFront steps of city hall (100 N Main St)Curry Galloway802-524-1500 ext. 264P.O. Box 867St. AlbansVT05478100 North Main StreetSt. AlbansVT05478802-524-1516c.galloway@stalbansvt.comM-F 7:30-4:30
Saint Albans TownYESTo the left of town office front doorAnna Bourdon802-524-2415P.O. Box 37St. Albans BayVT05481579 Lake RoadSt. AlbansVT05478802-524-9609a.bourdon@stalbanstown.comM-F 8-4
Saint GeorgeApril Pillsbury802-482-527221 Barber RoadSt. GeorgeVT0549521 Barber RoadSt GeorgeVT05495802-482-5548stgeorgevtclerk@comcast.netM-W 8-2; Th 4:30-6:30
Saint JohnsburyYESNext to door of town officeAccessible 24/7Stacy Jewell802-748-4331 x151 Depot Square, Suite. 101St JohnsburyVT0581951 Depot Square, Suite. 101St JohnsburyVT05819802-748-1267townclerk@stjvt.comM-F 8-4:30
SalisburyYESSlot in front door of town office buildingAccesible 24/7Susan Scott802-352-4228P.O.Box 66SalisburyVT0576925 Schoolhouse RoadSalisburyVT05769802-352-9832town.clerk@comcast.netT 9-3; Th 11-6
SandgateYESOutside town office front door - big green boxAccessible 24/7Sandra Reidy802-375-90753266 Sandgate RoadSandgateVT052503266 Sandgate RoadSandgateVT05250802-375-8350sandgateclerk2@outlook.comM W TH 9:30-12:30; F 8:30-11:30
SearsburgNOJosephine Kilbride802-464-8081P.O. Box 157WilmingtonVT0536318 Town Garage RoadSearsburgVT05363802-464-8081searsburgtc@gmail.comM 8-12; T F 8-8
ShaftsburyYESTo the right of town clerk office entranceAccessible 24/7 EXCEPT ON ELECTION DAY - bring ballots to polling location @ Town GarageMarlene Hall802-442-4038x1P.O. Box 409ShaftsburyVT0526261 Buck Hill RoadShaftsburyVT05262802-442-0955townclerk@shaftsburyvt.govM 9-3 & 5-7; T-Th 9-4; F 9-12 & The day before elections 9-12
SharonYESOutside town officeLikely accessible 24/7Debra St. Peter802-763-8268x1P.O. Box 250SharonVT0506569 VT Route 132SharonVT05065802-763-7392clerk@sharonvt.netM-Th 7-4
SheffieldNOWilliam St. Peter802-626-8862P.O. Box 165SheffieldVT0586637 Dane ToadSheffieldVT05866802-626-0424townclerk@sheffieldvt.orgM F 9-3; W 9-6
ShelburneYESPolice Dispatch center (5420 Shelburne Rd)Accessible 24/7Diana Vachon802-985-5116P.O. Box 88ShelburneVT054825420 Shelburne RoadShelburneVT05482802-985-9550dvachon@shelburnevt.orgM-F 8:30-5 & The day before elections 8:30-2
SheldonYESOutside front door of town officeAccessible 24/7Kimberlee Dufresne802-933-25241640 Main StSheldonVT05483-97141640 Main StreetSheldonVT05483-9714802-933-4951tc@sheldonvt.comM T Th F 8-3; W 8-5:30
ShorehamYESOutside town office front doorLikely accessible 24/7Julie Ortuno802-897-5841297 Main StShorehamVT05770297 Main StShorehamVT05770802-897-2545shorehamtown@shoreham.netM -Th 9-12 and 1-4
ShrewsburyYESMail slot next to town office front doorMark Goodwin802-492-35119823 Cold River RoadShrewsburyVT057389823 Cold River RoadShrewsburyVT05738802-492-3511shrewsburyclerk@vermontel.netM-Th 9-3
South BurlingtonYESDirectly outside the main doors of city hall (575 Dorset St)Accessible 24/7Donna Kinville802-846-4105575 Dorset StS BurlingtonVT05403575 Dorset StS BurlingtonVT05403802-846-4151dkinville@sburl.comM-F 8-4:30 & The day before elections 8-12
South HeroNOJanet Yates802-372-5552P.O. Box 175South HeroVT05486-0175333 Route 2South HeroVT05486-0175802-372-3809townclerk@southherovt.orgM-W 8:30-12 and 1-4:30; Th 8:30-12 and 1-5
SpringfieldYESSlot at top of stairsAccessible 24/7Barbara Courchesne802-885-210496 Main StreetSpringfieldVT0515696 Main StreetSpringfieldVT05156802-885-1617tosclerk@vermontel.netM-F 8-4:30
StamfordNOIs trying to get a mail slot put in back door of town office buildingLori Shepard802-694-1361986 Main RoadStamfordVT05352986 Main RoadStamfordVT05352802-694-1636stamfordvt@live.comT W F 8-12; Th 12-4 and 6-8 p.m.
StannardNOConnie Withers802-533-2577P.O. Box 94Greensboro BendVT05842615 Stannard Mountain RoadStannardVT05836802-533-2577 call firsttownofstannard@myfairpoint.netW 8-12
StarksboroYESBesides rear (main) door to town office buildingAccessible 24/7Cheryl Estey802-453-2639P.O. Box 91StarksboroVT054872849 Vt Route 116StarksboroVT05487802-453-7293townclerk@starksborovt.orgM-Th 8:30-4:30
StockbridgeNOLori Scott802-746-8400P.O. Box 39StockbridgeVT057721722 VT Route 100StockbridgeVT05772802-746-8400townofstockbridgevt@gmail.comT-Th 8-4:30; F 8-12
StoweYESIn the front door of the Akeley Memorial Building (67 Main St)Lisa Walker802-253-6133P.O. Box 730StoweVT0567267 Main StreetStoweVT05672802-253-6143lwalker@stowevt.govM-F 8-4:30
StraffordYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Lisa Bragg802-765-4411P.O. Box 27StraffordVT05072227 Justin Morrill HighwayStraffordVT05072802-765-9621townclerk@straffordvt.orgM-Th 7:30-4:30
StrattonYESNext to door of town office (9 W. Jamaica Rd.)Accessible 24/7Kent Young802-896-61849 West Jamaica Road.StrattonVT053609 West Jamaica Road.StrattonVT05360802-896-6630townclerk@townofstrattonvt.comM-Th 9-3
SudburyNOSteve Sgorbati802-623-729636 Blacksmith LaneSudburyVT0573313 Huff Pond Road.SudburyVT05733802-623-7296sudburytownclerk@gmail.comM 9-4; W 7-9 p.m.; F 9-3
SunderlandYESInside town office building (and a small one outside town office "if necessary")Accessible during normal office hoursRose Keough802-375-6106104 Mountain View Road.SunderlandVT05250104 Mountain View Road.SunderlandVT05250N/Asunderlandvt@comcast.netM- Th 8-2
SuttonYESLeft of town office building front doorAccessible 24/7Dianna Simpson802.467.3377167 Underpass RoadSuttonVT05867167 Underpass RoadSuttonVT05867802-467-1052suttontownclerk@yahoo.comM-Th 7:30-4
SwantonYESMail slot on right side of door to town officeCathy Fournier802-868-4421P.O. Box 711SwantonVT054881 Academy StreetSwantonVT05488802-868-4957townclerk@swantonvermont.orgM-F 7-5
ThetfordYESOutside municipal building main entranceAccessible 24/7Tracy Borst802-785-2922P.O. Box 126Thetford CtrVT050753910 VT Route 113Thetford CtrVT05075802-785-2031tborst@thetfordvt.govM 5-7 p.m.; T-Th 8-4 & Closed the day before elections
TinmouthYESInside town clerk's officeAccessible during normal office hoursGail Fallar802-446-2498515 North End RoadTinmouthVT057739 Mountain View RoadTinmouthVT05773802-446-2498tinmouthtown@vermontel.netM Th 8-12 & 1-4; Sat. 9-12
TopshamNOCynthia Flannigan802-439-5505P.O. Box 69TopshamVT050766 Harts RoadTopshamVT05076802-439-5505topsham@tops-tele.comM 1-6; T Th F 9-4
TownshendNOAnita Bean802-365-7300P.O. Box 223TownshendVT053532006 VT route 30TownshendVT05353802-365-7309townshendtownclerk@gmail.comM T W F 9-4
TroyYESOutside town officeAccessible 24/7Terri Medley802-988-2663142 Main StreetNorth TroyVT05859142 Main StreetNorth TroyVT05859802-988-4692townoftroy@comcast.netM-Th 9-5
TunbridgeYESJust inside town office building, to the leftLikely accessible 24/7Vacant802-889-5521P.O. Box 6TunbridgeVT05077271 VT RT 110TunbridgeVT05077N/Atctunbridge@live.comM 12-6; T-F 8-2 & Closed the day before elections
UnderihillYESNear town office front doorAccessible 24/7Sherri Morin802-899-4434 x1P.O. Box 120UnderhillVT0548912 Pleasant Valley RoadUnderhillVT05489802-899-2137smorin@underhillvt.govM-F 8-4 & The day before elections 8-2
VergennesNOVacant802-877-2841P.O. Box 35VergennesVT05491120 Main StreetVergennesVT05491802-877-1160cityclerk@vergennes.orgM-F 8-4:30
VernonYESGovernor Hunt Road side of office buildingAccessible 24/7Timothy Arsenault802-257-0292567 Governor Hunt RoadVernonVT05354567 Governor Hunt RoadVernonVT05354802-254-3561clerk@vernonvt.orgM-Th 7-5
VershireNOGene Craft802-685-22276894 VT RT 113VershireVT050796894 VT RT 113VershireVT05079802 685 1113clerk-treasurer@vershirevt.orgT W Th 8:30-12 & 1-4:30
VictoryNOTracey Martel802.328.2400P.O. Box 609North ConcordVT05858102 Radar RoadVictoryVT05858N/Atownofvictory@myfairpoint.netM T Th 8:30-12& 12:45-4; W 1-6
WaitsfieldYESOne at each entrance of town offfice buildingAccessible 24/7Jennifer Peterson802-496-2218x34144 Main StreetWaitsfieldVT056734144 Main StreetWaitsfieldVT05673802-496-9284waitsfieldclerk@gmavt.netM-F 8-4:30
WaldenYESMail slot on front door of town officeAccessible 24/7Lina Smith802-563-222012 VT Route 215West DanvilleVT0587312 VT Route 215West DanvilleVT05873802-563-3008waldentc@pivot.netM-W 9-4; Th 9-5 & 9-12 The day before elecections
WallingfordYESMail slot in town office front door - looking to install larger box outside town officeAccessible 24/7Julie Sharon802-446-233675 School StreetWallingfordVT0577375 School StreetWallingfordVT05773802-446-3174townclerk@wallingfordvt.comM-Th 8-4:30
WalthamYESIn the front door to the office with the ballots being dropped in the side locked doorAccessible 24/7Mary Ann Castimore802-877-3641P.O. Box 175VergennesVT054912053 Maple StreetWalthamVT05491802-877-3641waltham@myfairpoint.netT F 9-3
WardsboroNOJacqueline Bedard802-896-6055P.O. Box 48WardsboroVT0535571 Main StreetWardsboroVT05355802-896-1000wardsborotownoffice@myfairpoint.netM-Th 9-12 and 1-4:30
WarrenYES (2)#1: Front porch municipal building; #2: On the ramp accessAccessible 24/7Reta Goss802-496-2709P.O. Box 337WarrenVT0567442 Cemetery RoadWarrenVT05674802-496-2418clerk@warrenvt.orgM-F 9-4:30
WashingtonYESTo the right of town office front doorLikely accessible 24/7Carol Davis802-883-22182895 VT Route 110WashingtonVT056752895 VT Route 110WashingtonVT05675802-883-2218washingtontownclerk@gmail.comM T 8-4
WaterburyYESOutside municipal office front doorAccessible 24/7Carla Lawrence802-244-844728 North Main Street, Suite. 1WaterburyVT0567628 North Main Street, Suite. 1WaterburyVT05676802-244-1014clawrence@waterburyvt.comM-F 8-4:30
WaterfordNOJessy Pelow802-748-2122P.O. Box 56Lower WaterfordVT05848532 Maple StreetLower WaterfordVT05848802-748-8196townofwaterford@gmail.comM T Th F 8:30-3:30
WatervilleYESOutside town office buildingAccessible 24/7Nancy LaRose802-644-8865P.O. Box 31WatervilleVT05492850 VT Route 109WatervilleVT05492N/Atownofwaterville@myfairpoint.netM T Th 9-1:30
WeathersfieldYESLocated at the back door with the roof like a porch and it is on the left side of the wallAccessible 24/7Flo-Ann Dango802-674-9500P.O. Box 550AscutneyVT050305259 Route 5AscutneyVT05030802-674-2117townclerk@weathersfield.orgM-W 9-4; Th 9-5:30 & Closed the day before elections
WellsYESIn front of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Nora Sargent802.645.0486P.O. Box 585WellsVT057741064 VT Route 30WellsVT05774802.645.0464wellstownclerk@comcast.netM-Th 8-3 & Closed the day before elections
West FairleeYESBeside town office entrance doorAccessible 24/7Staci Sargent802-333-9696870 Rte. 113West FairleeVT05083870 Unit#5, VT Route. 113West FairleeVT05083802-333-9611westfairleetc@hotmail.comT-Th 9:30-2:30
West HavenYESTop part of mailbox outside town clerk's officeCarol Richards802-265-48802919 Main RoadWest HavenVT057432919 Main RoadWest HavenVT05743802-265-3828townofwesthaven@myfairpoint.netM W 1-3:30; and by appt.
West RutlandYESGray box outside back door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Christine Wener802-438-220435 Marble StreetWest RutlandVT0577735 Marble StreetWest RutlandVT05777802-438-5133cwener@westrutlandvt.orgM-Th 9-4 & Closed the day before elections
West WindsorYESIn door to town office buildingCathy Archibald802-484-7212P.O. Box 6BrownsvilleVT0503722 Brownsville-Hartland RoadWest WindsorVT05089802-484-3518townclerk@westwindsorvt.orgM-F 9-12 and 1:30-4:30
WestfieldYESMounted on wall to the left of town office doorAccessible 24/7LaDonna Dunn802-744-248438 School StWestfieldVT0587438 School StWestfieldVT05874802-744-6224townofwestfield@comcast.netM-Th 8-4
WestfordYESMail slot to the left of town office front doorAccessible 24/7Nanette Rogers802-878-45871713 VT Route 128WestfordVT054941713 VT Route 128WestfordVT05494802-879-6503townclerk@westfordvt.usM-F 8:30-4:30
WestminsterYESMail slot to th right of town office front doorAccessible 24/7Alison Bigwood802-722-4091P.O. Box 147WestminsterVT051583651 US Route 5WestminsterVT05158802-722-9816clerk@westminstervt.orgM-F 8:30-4
WestmoreYESMail slot on town office front doorAccessible 24/7Melissa Zebrowski802-525-300754 Hinton Hill RoadOrleansVT0586054 Hinton Hill RoadWestmoreVT05860802-525-1131clerk@westmoreonline.orgM-Th 8:30-4
WestonNOKim Seymour802-824-6645P.O. Box 98WestonVT0516112 Lawrence Hill RoadWestonVT05161802-824-4121clerk@westonvt.orgM-F 8-1 & Closed the Monday before elections
WeybridgeYESRight inside town office screen doorAccessible 24/7Brenda Jaring802-545-24501727 Quaker Village RoadWeybridgeVT057521727 Quaker Village RoadWeybridgeVT05753N/Aclerk@townofweybridge.orgM F 12:30-4:30; T Th 8 :30-2; W 2-7
WheelockNOVanessa Seguin802 626-9094P.O. Box 1328LyndonvilleVT058511192 Route 122WheelockVT05851N/Awheelocktown@gmail.comT 12-5:30; W Th 9-2:30
WhitingYESSlot in front door of town office buildingLikely accessible 24/7Heather Bouchard802-623-781329 South Main StreetWhitingVT0577829 South Main StreetWhitingVT05778802-623-7815townofwhiting@shoreham.netM 7:30-11 & 5-7; W 7:30-11
WhitinghamYESIn the front of the building next to the kiosk and in front of the flagpoleAccessible during normal business hoursAlmira Aekus802-368-7887P.O. Box 529JacksonvilleVT053422948 Vermont Route 100JacksonvilleVT05342802-368-7519whitinghamtownclerk@yahoo.comM- F 9-2; W 5-7
WilliamstownYESSlot in front door of town office buildingLikely accessible 24/7Barbara Graham802-433-5455P.O. Box 646WilliamstownVT056792470 VT RT 14WilliamstownVT05679802-433-2160clerk@williamstownvt.orgM Th 8-4; F 8-2
WillistonYESDropbox in rear of town hall - will have another cemented in rear parking lot of town hall by OctoberAccessible 24/7Sarah Mason802-878-51217900 Williston RoadWillistonVT054957900 Williston RoadWillistonVT05495802-764-1140smason@willistonvt.orgM-F 8-4:30 & 8-12 The day befor elections
WilmingtonYESSlot in front door of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Therese Lounsbury802-464-5836P.O. Box 217WilmingtonVT053632 East Main StreetWilmingtonVT05363N/Atlounsbury@wilmingtonvt.usM-F 9-12 & 1-5 & 9-12 The day before elections
WindhamYESOutside front door of town officeAccessible 24/7Mike Mclaine802-874-42115976 Windham Hill RoadWindhamVT053595976 Windham Hill 12-8; T 6-10am; W 10-2; S 8-12
WindsorYES (Pending)Amy McMullen802-674-561029 Union StreetWindsorVT0508929 Union StreetWindsorVT05089802-674-1017amcmullen@windsorvt.orgM-Th 9-4 & Closed the day before elections
WinhallYESOutside doors of town office buildingAccessible 24/7Elizabeth Grant802-297-2122115 VT Route. 30BondvilleVT05340115 VT Route. 30BondvilleVT05340802-297-2582winclerk@comcast.netM-Th 7-1
WinooskiYES(2)One currently in bottom of police station, another being installed in parking lot behind city callAccessible 24/7Carol Barrett802-655-641927 West Allen StWinooskiVT0540427 West Allen StreetWinooskiVT05404802-655-6414cbarrett@winooskivt.govM-F 7:30-4:30
WolcottYESIn front of entrance (city hall?) next to handicap rampAccessible 24/7Belinda Harris-Clegg802-888-2746P.O. Box 100WolcottVT0568028 Railroad StreetWolcottVT05680802-888-2669tc@wolcottvt.orgM-F 8-4pm
WoodburyYESMail slot on the wall of town clerk's officeAccessible 24/7Diana Peduzzi802 456 7051P.O. Box 10WoodburyVT056811672 Route 14WoodburyVT05681802 456 8834woodburyclerk@comcast.netM-Th 9-1
WoodfordYESTo the right of front door of town office buildingSusan Wright802 442-48951391 VT Route 9WoodfordVT052011391 VT Route 9WoodfordVT05201802 442-4816woodfordvt@comcast.netM W Th 8:30-2; T 11-5
WoodstockNOF. Charlie Degener III802-457-361131 The GreenWoodstockVT0509131 The GreenWoodstockVT05091802-457-2329clerk@townofwoodstock.orgM-F 8-12 and 1-4:30 & Closed the day before elections
WorcesterYESInside door to town hallAccessible 24/7Katie Winkeljohn802-223-6942P.O. Box 161WorcesterVT0568220 Worcester Village RoadWorcesterVT05682802-229-5216worcestertclerk@comcast.netM 3-7; T-Th 8-4; F 7-10am & after 10 by appt.
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