This Town Meeting Day, Burlington voters have the opportunity to make a major impact on our city’s climate action future by voting YES on questions 3 and 7. Check out the campaign website here.
These two crucial measures will empower the city to do more to transform how buildings in Burlington are heated while centering equity in the process.
Question 3 is a charter change that allows local control of building heating systems. Right now, that power rests solely with the state government in Montpelier. #3 gives Burlington the ability to better chart its own course on climate action and climate justice, whether or not legislators in Montpelier choose to take action.
Advisory question 7 will also be on the ballot, and it directs the city to ensure that policies developed to move buildings off of fossil fuels prioritize Burlingtonians who are of low and moderate income, BIPOC, and otherwise disadvantaged Burlingtonians.
These two ballot measures have the potential to make a huge impact on Burlington’s progress towards our climate goals. That’s why we are asking Burlington voters to join us in voting YES on ballot questions 3 and 7.
Heating and cooling buildings is the second leading source of climate pollution in Vermont. And far too many Vermonters struggle to afford the high cost of energy. In Burlington, over 90% of buildings are currently heated by fossil fuels. As the state’s largest city, Burlington can play an outsized role in cutting carbon pollution here in Vermont – and can directly help more Vermonters transition to affordable, clean alternatives to fossil fuels than any other city or town in the state.
The science is clear – we need to eliminate the use of fossil fuels as quickly as possible. And we must do so in a way that centers climate justice. That’s why we are calling for Burlingtonians to vote YES on 3 and 7 on Town Meeting Day, or whenever you cast your ballot.
P.S. One thing is for sure: we need to see major turnout in support of these measures in order for them to pass. That’s why we are organizing a vote tripling effort, because we know that people are more likely to vote when their friends and family encourage them to do so.