Last Year, VPIRG and our allies in the Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Vermont worked to pass Vermont’s Toxic Free Families Act. VPIRG will be working in 2015 to make sure that this legislation is implemented as the legislature intended it to, a law that will truly protect our children from dangerous and unnecessary toxic chemicals. With both the state and federal legislatures reconvening, we had an exciting opportunity to make a statement on the need for strong national toxics legislation.
Unfortunately, it looks like a bill by Senator’s Vitter and Udall will once again be the vehicle for federal reform. The Vitter-Udall bill would pre-empt Vermont’s Toxic Free Families act and serve as a backwards step on toxics reform nation-wide. For more information on why the Vitter-Udall bill is bad for public health, click here.
VPIRG and our allies penned a letter to the Vermont Delegation to oppose Vitter-Udall and instead advocate true reform efforts. We’ve already received positive responses- our lawmakers are ready to fight for real, comprehensive federal toxics reform that does right by public health in Vermont.
Click here to read the letter and the list of organizations that signed on in solidarity: Vermont Groups Call for Strong Toxics Legislation