Vermont’s Voice: Streaming Now!

It’s been hard to keep this one a secret, but we can finally fill you in: VPIRG has a brand-new podcast and the first episode airs today!

Welcome to Vermont’s Voice — your source for the public interest conversation in the State House and beyond. Throughout this weekly series, we’ll investigate some of Vermont’s most pressing issues by connecting with leaders and community members all around the state. Together we’ll learn, laugh, and explore opportunities for grassroots action to keep Vermonters engaged and to #KeepVermontCool. YOU are Vermont’s Voice — so let’s talk!

In today’s episode, we sit down with VPIRG Executive Director Paul Burns to talk about the first weeks of the Vermont legislative session and Trump presidency, key public interest issue areas for 2025, and some State House favorites.

Vermont’s Voice is available on Spotify, Apple PodcastsAmazon MusicAudibleiHeartRadio and YouTube.

If you like what you see and hear, be sure to like, comment, share, subscribe, and rate us five stars so we can better spread the word about this new series.

Welcome to Vermont’s Voice. We hope you’ll stick around.

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