A rainy day in Vermont means we got to try out our VPIRG ponchos! Even with dark clouds coming in off Lake Champlain, canvassers loaded their bikes into pick up trucks ready to engage Vermonters in fifteen different towns including Brandon, Franklin, Northfield, Morristown, and Saint Albans.
“Canvassing in the rain is part of the culture that makes VPIRG unique. We aren’t just canvassers, we aren’t just activists, we are eco-warriors. We will walk through the rain and the mud and sleet. We’ll go out there when it’s 40 degrees, we’ll go out there when it’s 95 degrees – 100 degrees to talk to people. Because that’s ultimately what’s going to raise public discourse – getting out there and talking to people. It’s important to do it no matter what the conditions of the weather are.” – David Fischer, Canvass Director
Even in pouring rain, canvassers knocked on 2,514 doors, engaged 1,008 people, and collected 497 petitions!
“The rain isn’t stopping congress, and it sure as heck isn’t going to stop us!” – Trinna Larsen, Canvass Director