Newspaper Contacts For Submitting Letters to the Editor

The Opinion section is second-most read section of the paper is the editorial page. This is the page that defines the communities’ hot button issues. This is also the only section of the paper YOU CONTROL!

Hints to keep in mind:

Know your paper – Each paper has its own rules regarding length, timeliness and exclusivity. Find out what these are!

Quantity and quality – An issue suddenly becomes hot if many people suddenly write into the paper about it, but your paper is going to publish everything.

Cast a wide net – There are a lot of papers in your area.  Don’t forget to include any simply because they are small or have a particular constituency.

Burlington Free Press
Mail: Forum: Burlington Free Press
P.O. Box 10
Burlington, VT 05402
Submit Via Webform:
Access online form at

• Letters should be kept to 250 words or less, unless submitted for web site.
• Provide your full name, hometown and phone number for verification.
• Only one name will be appear on letters.

Bennington Banner
Email letters to
Mail letters to: 425 Main Street, Bennington, VT 05201
Fax letters to 802-442-3413

• Letters should be limited to 400 words and columns to 600.
• Provide writer’s full name, address and phone number for verification.
• Any letter or column may be edited for length, style or content.

Brattleboro Reformer
Email letters to
Mail letters to Letter Box, Brattleboro Reformer
62 Black Mountain Rd.
Brattleboro, VT 05301

• Letters should be limited to 500 words.
• Letter must include the writer’s full name, town of residence and a phone number for verification.
• The Reformer generally doesn’t publish letters written by people outside its coverage area.

Rutland Herald
Submit via Webform:
Access the Rutland Herald’s online form at

Letters should be limited to 300 words

Times Argus
Submit via Webform:
Access the Times Argus’ online form at

• Letters should be limited to 300 words.
• Letters should include the writer’s full name, telephone number and email address for verification.

Valley News
Mailing Address:
The Forum
Valley News
P.O. Box 877
White River Junction, VT 05001
FAX: 603-298-0212

• Keep letters to 350 words; write no more often than once every two weeks.
• Include your name, address and a daytime telephone number
• Telephone inquiries about other editorial page features should be addressed to Kathryn Stearns, editorial page editor, at 603-727-3231.


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