Here in the VPIRG office we have some news that we’ve been eager to share with our members for a while: we made a beer!
Well actually, our brewing genius friends at The Alchemist made the beer, but VPIRG is thrilled to have helped conceive and promote this awesome new creation.
Say hello to Honey Bunch, an exciting new collaboration from The Alchemist, VPIRG, Bee the Change, and Fresh Energy.
This unique beer was created to showcase local honey sourced from pollinator habitats at local solar farms tended by Bee the Change, a Vermont-based family farm that transforms unused space in solar fields into a rich habitat for bees and other pollinators.
You might remember that we helped pass a law last year establishing in state law a pollinator-friendly habitat label on solar farms, recognizing solar installers that are leading the way in protecting and promoting pollinator species.
That law will mean more pollinator-friendly solar farms in Vermont and that means more solar-grown honey like the kind used in Honey Bunch!
To create this unique small batch dessert beer, Bee the Change supplied The Alchemist with over 110 pounds of their solar-grown honey. That represents the life’s work of over 60,000 bees traveling over 6,000,000 miles to collect nectar from over 220,000,000 flowers.
Designed to honor the hard work of these bees, Honey Bunch is intended to be shared and sipped with friends. We hope you’ll join us for the Honey Bunch launch party at The Alchemist (100 Cottage Club Road, Stowe VT) on Thursday, September 12th from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.
RSVP on Facebook to let us know you’re coming: