Over the next year and a half Vermont is going to be making big changes in how we deal with health care. This is why VPIRG is partnering with a number of other organizations to sponsor health care forums across the state. These forums are a great opportunity to find out what health care reform will mean to you, and how you can help create a system that works for all of us.
Below is a list of forums sponsored by Healthcare Is a Human Right Campaign – Vermont Workers’ Center, Vermont Leads: Single Payer Now!, Alliance of Retired Americans, (ARA),Vermont Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals AFT Local 5221, United Academics, United Professionals of Vermont – AFT, Vermont AFL-CIO, Vermont Center for Independent Living, Vermont Early Educators United-AFT, Vermont NEA, VCCH, Health Care Ombusdman, Vermont Healthcare for All, Physicians for a National Health Program (Vermont Chapter), Voices for Vermont Children and VPIRG.
Tuesday, September 18
12-2 pm: Johnson State College (Stearns Stage), College Hill Road, Johnson
Wednesday, September 19
1-3 pm: Franklin County Senior Center, 75 Messenger St., St. Albans
6-8 pm: Opera House, 123 Depot St., Enosburg Falls
Thursday, September 20
6-8 pm: 152 Pearl St., Unitarian Universalist Church, Burlington
Monday, September 24
12-2 pm: Castleton State College (Castleton Hall MPR), 62 Alumni Drive, Castleton
Tuesday, September 25
11 am- 1 pm: Multi-generational Center, 241 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington
6-8 pm: Holley Hall, 1 South St., Bristol
Wednesday, September 26
7- 9 pm: Marloboro College Graduate Center, 28 Vernon St., Brattleboro
Thursday, September 27
12- 2 pm: Lyndon State College (Burke Mountain Room, LAC 400), 1001 College Road, Lyndonville
7-9 pm: Grace Arts Center, 59 Mill St., Hardwick
7- 9 pm: St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 200 Pleasant Street, Bennington
Friday, September 28
12 – 2 pm, Upper Valley Co-op, 193 N. Main St. White River Junction
Monday, October 1
12 – 2 pm, Vermont Technical College (Old Dorm 35), 124 Main Street, Randolph
6:30 – 8:30 pm, Trinity Church, 85 West Street, Rutland
The state’s Department of Vermont Health Access will also be holding a number of public forums throughout the state in September and October. Each session will cover topics including the essential health benefits that are required of all health plans participating in the Exchange, the assistance that will be available to Vermonters, and what the Exchange website might look like.
These forums are free and open to the public
St. Johnsbury – Tuesday, September 18
6:00pm to 8:30pm St. Johnsbury School
257 Western Avenue, St. Johnsbury, VT
Rutland – Monday, September 24
6:00pm to 8:30pm
Rutland Free Library
10 Court Street, Rutland, VT
Bennington – Wednesday, October 10
6:00pm to 8:30pm
Bennington Free Library
101 Silver Street, Bennington, VT