Concerned about federal funding for you community?

As you probably know, the U.S. Constitution requires the government to complete a census every 10 years. The goal is to count every permanent resident, regardless of citizenship status — and, despite President Trump’s wishes, there is no citizenship question on the 2020 Census.1

Why is this so important? Because census data directly determines federal funding for your community.

An accurate census count is critical for ensuring that Vermont receives sufficient federal funding for education, infrastructure, health care, housing assistance. Each year, Vermont receives about $4,000 per resident in federal funding, which totals up to about $1 out of every $3 the state spends coming from the federal government. 23

Unfortunately, Vermont has one of the lowest census response rates in the country, which could lead to our state receiving significantly less federal funding than is necessary and appropriate.

To make matters worse, President Trump recently announced that he will cut census counting efforts short by a month, which will not only produce inaccurate results, but will disproportionately harm historically undercounted groups, including Vermont’s rural residents and communities of color.

Time is running out to complete the 2020 Census, so if you haven’t already done so, please fill out the census today. Having an accurate reflection of your community and state will impact your daily life for the next decade, so it’s crucial that you make sure you and your family are counted.

We encourage you to spread awareness of the importance of filling out the census with all of your circles – make sure your neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers have completed it by September 31st!

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