Vermont Leads Nation in Solar Jobs

For immediate release: Statement of VPIRG Clean Energy Advocate Ben Walsh on new report ranking Vermont #1 in solar jobs per capita

“The news today that Vermont now has more solar jobs per capita than any other state just goes to show that building a clean energy future isn’t only good for the environment, it’s the right move for our economy,” said Ben Walsh, Clean Energy Advocate with the Vermont Public Interest Research Group (VPIRG). “It’s telling that the top states in solar jobs per capita all have strong policies supporting renewable energy – creating green jobs is clearly a matter of political will, and the Vermont legislature deserves a lot of credit for creating such good solar programs in our state. With this new evidence of how much solar is bringing to the Vermont economy, we hope the Vermont Senate will move quickly to join the House in voting to build on our most successful solar program, net metering.”


For more information on The Solar Foundation’s State Solar Jobs Census, see

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