2023-2024 House Scorecard
Search below to see your representatives’ score for the 2023-2024 biennium. Unsure who your representative(s) are? Use our lookup tool to find out.
Click on the plus sign next to a representative’s name to bring up their full scorecard and see how they voted on each of the scored votes.
Name | Score | District | Party | S.5 – The Affordable Heat Act | S.5 – Amendment to Weaken the Global Warming Solutions Act | S.25 – Nation-Leading Ban on PFAS and Other Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products | S.213 – Flood Safety Act | S.259 – The Climate Superfund Act | H.66 – Paid Family and Medical Leave | H.121 – Vermont Data Privacy Act & Kids Code | H.158 – Modernizing the Bottle Bill | H.289 – Modernizing the Renewable Energy Standard | H.509 – All-Resident Voting in Burlington | H.706 – The Pollinator Protection Act |
Representative Julia Andrews | 100% | Chittenden-25 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Joseph Andriano | 75% | Addison-Rutland | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Peter Anthony | 100% | Washington-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative John Arrison | 91% | Windsor-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Angela Arsenault | 100% | Chittenden-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Sarah "Sarita" Austin | 100% | Chittenden-19 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative John L. Bartholomew | 100% | Windsor-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Ashley Bartley | 18% | Franklin-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Scott Beck | 36% | Caledonia-Essex | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Daisy Berbeco | 100% | Chittenden-21 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Matthew Birong | 100% | Addison-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Alyssa Black | 100% | Chittenden-24 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Tiffany Bluemle | 100% | Chittenden-13 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Seth Bongartz | 100% | Bennington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Michelle Bos-Lun | 100% | Windham-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Lucy Boyden | 91% | Lamoille-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Erin Brady | 100% | Chittenden-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Carolyn Branagan | 27% | Franklin-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Patrick Brennan | 0% | Chittenden-19 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Jana Brown | 100% | Chittenden-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Nelson Brownell | 67% | Bennington-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jessica Brumsted | 100% | Chittenden-7 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Thomas Burditt | 11% | Rutland-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Mollie S. Burke | 100% | Windham-8 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Elizabeth Burrows | 100% | Windsor-1 | Democrat/Progressive | |||||||||||
Representative Tesha Buss | 100% | Windsor-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative R. Scott Campbell | 100% | Caledonia-Essex | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative William Canfield | 9% | Rutland-10 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Melanie Carpenter | 100% | Lamoille-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jim Carroll | 100% | Bennington-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Conor Casey | 100% | Washington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Ela Chapin | 100% | Washington-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Heather Chase | 100% | Windsor-Windham | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Seth Chase | 100% | Chittenden-20 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Robin Chesnut-Tangerman | 100% | Rutland-Bennington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kevin "Coach" Christie | 100% | Windsor-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Brian Cina | 100% | Chittenden-15 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Paul Clifford | 0% | Rutland-4 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Sara Coffey | 100% | Windham-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Esme Cole | 100% | Windsor-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Peter Conlon | 100% | Addison-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Timothy R. Corcoran II | 82% | Bennington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mari Cordes | 100% | Addison-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Allen "Penny" Demar | 27% | Franklin-7 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Carl Demrow | 100% | Orange-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Eileen Dickinson | 11% | Franklin-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Leonora Dodge | 100% | Chittenden-23 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Karen Dolan | 100% | Chittenden-22 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Katherine "Kari" Dolan | 100% | Washington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Anne B. Donahue | 45% | Washington-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Abbey Duke | 100% | Chittenden-17 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative David Durfee | 100% | Bennington-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Caleb Elder | 100% | Addison-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Alice M. Emmons | 100% | Windsor-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Bobby Farlice-Rubio | 100% | Caledonia-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Gina Galfetti | 40% | Washington-Orange | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Rey Garofano | 100% | Chittenden-23 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Leslie Goldman | 100% | Windham-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kenneth Goslant | 18% | Washington-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Rodney Graham | 10% | Orange-3 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Edye Graning | 100% | Chittenden-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative James Gregoire | 44% | Franklin-6 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Lisa Hango | 27% | Franklin-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative James Harrison | 40% | Rutland-11 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Troy Headrick | 100% | Chittenden-15 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mark Higley | 9% | Orleans-Lamoille | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Rebecca Holcombe | 100% | Windsor-Orange-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Robert Hooper | 100% | Chittenden-18 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Philip Jay Hooper | 88% | Orange-Washington-Addison | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Lori Houghton | 100% | Chittenden-22 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mary E. Howard | 100% | Rutland-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Noah Hyman | 100% | Chittenden-8 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kathleen James | 100% | Bennington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Stephanie Jerome | 100% | Rutland-9 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emilie Kornheiser | 100% | Windham-7 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emilie Krasnow | 100% | Chittenden-9 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jill Krowinski | 100% | Chittenden-16 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Larry Labor | 18% | Essex-Orleans | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Dennis LaBounty | 73% | Caledonia-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kate Lalley | 100% | Chittenden-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Martin LaLonde | 100% | Chittenden-12 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Saudia LaMont | 100% | Lamoille-Washington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Diane Lanpher | 100% | Addison-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Wayne Laroche | 18% | Franklin-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Josie Leavitt | 100% | Grand Isle-Chittenden | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jed Lipsky | 40% | Lamoille-1 | Independent | |||||||||||
Representative Kate Logan | 100% | Chittenden-16 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emily Long | 100% | Windham-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Eric Maguire | 18% | Rutland-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Michael Marcotte | 30% | Orleans-Lamoille | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative James Masland | 100% | Windsor-Orange-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Christopher Mattos | 10% | Chittenden-Franklin | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Kate McCann | 89% | Washington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Michael McCarthy | 100% | Franklin-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Patricia McCoy | 9% | Rutland-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Francis McFaun | 36% | Washington-Orange | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Jubilee McGill | 100% | Addison-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Marc Mihaly | 100% | Washington-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Brian Minier | 100% | Chittenden-11 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Michael Morgan | 10% | Grand Isle-Chittenden | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Kristi Morris | 100% | Windsor-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mary A. Morrissey | 45% | Bennington-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Michael Mrowicki | 100% | Windham-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emma Mulvaney-Stanak Resigned effective April 1 | 100% | Chittenden-17 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Logan Nicoll | 100% | Rutland-Windsor | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative William Notte | 100% | Rutland-7 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Daniel Noyes | 100% | Lamoille-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kate Nugent | 100% | Chittenden-10 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative John O'Brien | 89% | Windsor-Orange-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Carol Ode | 100% | Chittenden-18 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Thomas Oliver | 0% | Franklin-4 | Republican/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Woodman Page | 40% | Orleans-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Kelly Pajala | 91% | Windham-Windsor-Bennington | Independent | |||||||||||
Representative Joseph Parsons | 20% | Orange-Caledonia | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Avram Patt | 100% | Lamoille-Washington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Henry Pearl | 75% | Caledonia-Washington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Arthur Peterson | 18% | Rutland-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Phil Pouech | 100% | Chittenden-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Monique Priestley | 100% | Orange-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Beth Quimby | 17% | Caledonia-3 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Barbara Rachelson | 100% | Chittenden-14 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mike Rice | 100% | Bennington-Rutland | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Tristan Roberts | 100% | Windham-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jarrod Sammis | 40% | Rutland-3 | Libertarian | |||||||||||
Representative Larry Satcowitz | 100% | Orange-Washington-Addison | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Robin Scheu | 100% | Addison-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Charles "Butch" Shaw | 9% | Rutland-8 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Amy Sheldon | 100% | Addison-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Laura Sibilia | 80% | Windham-2 | Independent | |||||||||||
Representative Katherine Sims | 82% | Orleans-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Taylor Small | 100% | Chittenden-21 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Brian Smith | 25% | Orleans-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Trevor Squirrell | 100% | Chittenden-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Gabrielle Stebbins | 100% | Chittenden-13 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Thomas Stevens | 100% | Washington-Chittenden | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mary-Katherine Stone | 100% | Chittenden-14 | Democrat/Progressive | |||||||||||
Representative Heather Surprenant | 100% | Windsor-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Curt Taylor | 100% | Chittenden-20 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Chris Taylor | 18% | Chittenden-Franklin | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative David Templeman | 100% | Orleans-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Tristan Toleno | 100% | Windham-9 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Casey Toof | 9% | Franklin-8 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Dara Torre | 100% | Washington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Joseph "Chip" Troiano | 100% | Caledonia-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Matt Walker | 0% | Franklin-4 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Chea Waters Evans | 100% | Chittenden-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kirk White | 100% | Windsor-Addison | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Dane Whitman | 100% | Bennington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jonathan Williams | 100% | Washington-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Terri Lynn Williams | 9% | Essex-Caledonia | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Charles Wilson Resigned effective March 2 | 0% | Caledonia-3 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Theresa Wood | 100% | Washington-Chittenden | Democrat |
Name | Score | District | Party | S.5 – The Affordable Heat Act | S.5 – Amendment to Weaken the Global Warming Solutions Act | S.25 – Nation-Leading Ban on PFAS and Other Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products | S.213 – Flood Safety Act | S.259 – The Climate Superfund Act | H.66 – Paid Family and Medical Leave | H.121 – Vermont Data Privacy Act & Kids Code | H.158 – Modernizing the Bottle Bill | H.289 – Modernizing the Renewable Energy Standard | H.509 – All-Resident Voting in Burlington | H.706 – The Pollinator Protection Act |
Representative Julia Andrews | 100% | Chittenden-25 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Joseph Andriano | 75% | Addison-Rutland | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Peter Anthony | 100% | Washington-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative John Arrison | 91% | Windsor-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Angela Arsenault | 100% | Chittenden-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Sarah "Sarita" Austin | 100% | Chittenden-19 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative John L. Bartholomew | 100% | Windsor-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Ashley Bartley | 18% | Franklin-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Scott Beck | 36% | Caledonia-Essex | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Daisy Berbeco | 100% | Chittenden-21 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Matthew Birong | 100% | Addison-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Alyssa Black | 100% | Chittenden-24 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Tiffany Bluemle | 100% | Chittenden-13 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Seth Bongartz | 100% | Bennington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Michelle Bos-Lun | 100% | Windham-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Lucy Boyden | 91% | Lamoille-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Erin Brady | 100% | Chittenden-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Carolyn Branagan | 27% | Franklin-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Patrick Brennan | 0% | Chittenden-19 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Jana Brown | 100% | Chittenden-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Nelson Brownell | 67% | Bennington-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jessica Brumsted | 100% | Chittenden-7 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Thomas Burditt | 11% | Rutland-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Mollie S. Burke | 100% | Windham-8 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Elizabeth Burrows | 100% | Windsor-1 | Democrat/Progressive | |||||||||||
Representative Tesha Buss | 100% | Windsor-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative R. Scott Campbell | 100% | Caledonia-Essex | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative William Canfield | 9% | Rutland-10 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Melanie Carpenter | 100% | Lamoille-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jim Carroll | 100% | Bennington-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Conor Casey | 100% | Washington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Ela Chapin | 100% | Washington-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Heather Chase | 100% | Windsor-Windham | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Seth Chase | 100% | Chittenden-20 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Robin Chesnut-Tangerman | 100% | Rutland-Bennington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kevin "Coach" Christie | 100% | Windsor-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Brian Cina | 100% | Chittenden-15 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Paul Clifford | 0% | Rutland-4 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Sara Coffey | 100% | Windham-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Esme Cole | 100% | Windsor-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Peter Conlon | 100% | Addison-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Timothy R. Corcoran II | 82% | Bennington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mari Cordes | 100% | Addison-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Allen "Penny" Demar | 27% | Franklin-7 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Carl Demrow | 100% | Orange-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Eileen Dickinson | 11% | Franklin-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Leonora Dodge | 100% | Chittenden-23 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Karen Dolan | 100% | Chittenden-22 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Katherine "Kari" Dolan | 100% | Washington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Anne B. Donahue | 45% | Washington-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Abbey Duke | 100% | Chittenden-17 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative David Durfee | 100% | Bennington-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Caleb Elder | 100% | Addison-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Alice M. Emmons | 100% | Windsor-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Bobby Farlice-Rubio | 100% | Caledonia-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Gina Galfetti | 40% | Washington-Orange | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Rey Garofano | 100% | Chittenden-23 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Leslie Goldman | 100% | Windham-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kenneth Goslant | 18% | Washington-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Rodney Graham | 10% | Orange-3 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Edye Graning | 100% | Chittenden-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative James Gregoire | 44% | Franklin-6 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Lisa Hango | 27% | Franklin-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative James Harrison | 40% | Rutland-11 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Troy Headrick | 100% | Chittenden-15 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mark Higley | 9% | Orleans-Lamoille | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Rebecca Holcombe | 100% | Windsor-Orange-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Robert Hooper | 100% | Chittenden-18 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Philip Jay Hooper | 88% | Orange-Washington-Addison | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Lori Houghton | 100% | Chittenden-22 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mary E. Howard | 100% | Rutland-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Noah Hyman | 100% | Chittenden-8 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kathleen James | 100% | Bennington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Stephanie Jerome | 100% | Rutland-9 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emilie Kornheiser | 100% | Windham-7 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emilie Krasnow | 100% | Chittenden-9 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jill Krowinski | 100% | Chittenden-16 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Larry Labor | 18% | Essex-Orleans | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Dennis LaBounty | 73% | Caledonia-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kate Lalley | 100% | Chittenden-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Martin LaLonde | 100% | Chittenden-12 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Saudia LaMont | 100% | Lamoille-Washington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Diane Lanpher | 100% | Addison-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Wayne Laroche | 18% | Franklin-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Josie Leavitt | 100% | Grand Isle-Chittenden | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jed Lipsky | 40% | Lamoille-1 | Independent | |||||||||||
Representative Kate Logan | 100% | Chittenden-16 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emily Long | 100% | Windham-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Eric Maguire | 18% | Rutland-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Michael Marcotte | 30% | Orleans-Lamoille | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative James Masland | 100% | Windsor-Orange-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Christopher Mattos | 10% | Chittenden-Franklin | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Kate McCann | 89% | Washington-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Michael McCarthy | 100% | Franklin-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Patricia McCoy | 9% | Rutland-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Francis McFaun | 36% | Washington-Orange | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Jubilee McGill | 100% | Addison-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Marc Mihaly | 100% | Washington-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Brian Minier | 100% | Chittenden-11 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Michael Morgan | 10% | Grand Isle-Chittenden | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Kristi Morris | 100% | Windsor-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mary A. Morrissey | 45% | Bennington-5 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Michael Mrowicki | 100% | Windham-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Emma Mulvaney-Stanak Resigned effective April 1 | 100% | Chittenden-17 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Logan Nicoll | 100% | Rutland-Windsor | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative William Notte | 100% | Rutland-7 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Daniel Noyes | 100% | Lamoille-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kate Nugent | 100% | Chittenden-10 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative John O'Brien | 89% | Windsor-Orange-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Carol Ode | 100% | Chittenden-18 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Thomas Oliver | 0% | Franklin-4 | Republican/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Woodman Page | 40% | Orleans-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Kelly Pajala | 91% | Windham-Windsor-Bennington | Independent | |||||||||||
Representative Joseph Parsons | 20% | Orange-Caledonia | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Avram Patt | 100% | Lamoille-Washington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Henry Pearl | 75% | Caledonia-Washington | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Arthur Peterson | 18% | Rutland-2 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Phil Pouech | 100% | Chittenden-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Monique Priestley | 100% | Orange-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Beth Quimby | 17% | Caledonia-3 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Barbara Rachelson | 100% | Chittenden-14 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mike Rice | 100% | Bennington-Rutland | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Tristan Roberts | 100% | Windham-6 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jarrod Sammis | 40% | Rutland-3 | Libertarian | |||||||||||
Representative Larry Satcowitz | 100% | Orange-Washington-Addison | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Robin Scheu | 100% | Addison-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Charles "Butch" Shaw | 9% | Rutland-8 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Amy Sheldon | 100% | Addison-1 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Laura Sibilia | 80% | Windham-2 | Independent | |||||||||||
Representative Katherine Sims | 82% | Orleans-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Taylor Small | 100% | Chittenden-21 | Progressive/Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Brian Smith | 25% | Orleans-1 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Trevor Squirrell | 100% | Chittenden-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Gabrielle Stebbins | 100% | Chittenden-13 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Thomas Stevens | 100% | Washington-Chittenden | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Mary-Katherine Stone | 100% | Chittenden-14 | Democrat/Progressive | |||||||||||
Representative Heather Surprenant | 100% | Windsor-4 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Curt Taylor | 100% | Chittenden-20 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Chris Taylor | 18% | Chittenden-Franklin | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative David Templeman | 100% | Orleans-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Tristan Toleno | 100% | Windham-9 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Casey Toof | 9% | Franklin-8 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Dara Torre | 100% | Washington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Joseph "Chip" Troiano | 100% | Caledonia-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Matt Walker | 0% | Franklin-4 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Chea Waters Evans | 100% | Chittenden-5 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Kirk White | 100% | Windsor-Addison | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Dane Whitman | 100% | Bennington-2 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Jonathan Williams | 100% | Washington-3 | Democrat | |||||||||||
Representative Terri Lynn Williams | 9% | Essex-Caledonia | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Charles Wilson Resigned effective March 2 | 0% | Caledonia-3 | Republican | |||||||||||
Representative Theresa Wood | 100% | Washington-Chittenden | Democrat |